Find out the Best Elf Names to use in your fantasy world. We listed over 1000 Funny, Male, Female, D&D Elf names that will surprise you.
An elf is a type of human-shaped supernatural being in Germanic mythology and folklore. In medieval Germanic-speaking cultures, elves seem generally to have been thought of as beings with magical powers and supernatural beauty, ambivalent towards everyday people and capable of either helping or hindering them. However, the details of these beliefs have varied considerably over time and space, and have flourished in both pre-Christian and Christian cultures.
In fantasy stories, we often run into good elf that leads the victory. And there is also evil elf who mislead and tricks protagonist. Like humans, an elf can be kind and good or evil and insidious.
If you are looking for some good elf names for your elf character. Here is a list of a bunch of elves names.
D&D names for Male and Female elves
An elf in the D&D fantasy is a humanoid race. It is one of the primary races available for the player character. Elves are renowned for their grace and mastery of magic and weapons.
Below is the list of names for elves from D&D.
100 Male Elves Name
- Carran
- Vakian
- Erro
- Thelamin
- Sarbalar
- Ianzumin
- Ralofaren
- Dornorin
- Ilitoris
- Thefir
- Daeqen
- Kelzeiros
- Thezeiros
- Urimenor
- Adris
- Wrancan
- Glynmaer
- Omafir
- Beiyarus
- Perjeon
- Daero
- Yinquinal
- Farnelis
- Ililamin
- Farwarin
- Tranorin
- Qipeiros
- Adjor
- Carwarin
- Zumlamin
- Genlar
- Fargolor
- Craxalim
- Dorneiros
- Wranxalim
- Fenhice
- Sarwraek
- Zumtoris
- Elbalar
- Syllar
- Mormenor
- Qipeiros
- Aequinal
- Adneiros
- Umelar
- Ralojor
- Morvalur
- Petsalor
- Carmyar
- Ianwarin
- Waesberos
- Virhice
- Virro
- Wransalor
- Herceran
- Adnorin
- Iannelis
- Elaquinal
- Rokas
- Wranris
- Beihorn
- Beikian
- Rofaren
- Fenmaris
- Sylren
- Urifir
- Elaro
- Leolar
- Vahice
- Padan
- Fenhorn
- Qikian
- Petlen
- Norwraek
- Elyarus
- Thetoris
- Ralobalar
- Qinzeiros
- Norwarin
- Vaneiros
- Cramaer
- Tragolor
- Rokas
- Beidan
- Fenlar
- Hermenor
- Perven
- Kelris
- Daeric
- Fenmenor
- Dorkas
- Ilixidor
- Ralolar
- Yinsalor
- Fenlar
- Morven
- Hermaer
- Olowraek
- Zumpeiros
- Kelven
So which one do you like the most?
Female Elf Names
Do you want some Female Elf Names for your Fantasy World? Here are some of the best names that you can pick.
- Oriphyra
- Eilynore
- Ravaxisys
- Inana
- Ensys
- Loragwyn
- Holanala
- Zinfina
- Biwynn
- Sylgella
- Xilroris
- Grestina
- Wysaxisys
- Daqirelle
- Faehana
- Phifiel
- Wysarie
- Lialee
- Nerihana
- Ulathana
- Gilhana
- Sylsatra
- Chaekrana
- Reyrona
- Daera
- Grerie
- Valrona
- Chaerora
- Zylroris
- Reyjyre
- Yessatra
- Reyroris
- Triskalyn
- Trisrieth
- Valrel
- Zylfina
- Urifina
- Eilkrana
- Keylana
- Keyrora
- Daezana
- Yllasatra
- Venfiel
- Yesjyre
- Quiwynn
- Orizana
- Grewynn
- Gilmoira
- Qihana
- Zinroris
- Shazana
- Dawenys
- Gilstina
- Shafiel
- Gilxisys
- Qidove
- Trisrel
- Iarharice
- Wynsatra
- Loragella
- Gilrona
- Iarrel
- Inasatra
- Shafiel
- Wysasatra
- Quixina
- Xilcyne
- Xilra
- Sylbanise
- Xyrgwyn
- Zinxina
- Nerimys
- Chaebella
- Faefina
- Jorieth
- Magcyne
- Enkrana
- Miayra
- Quirona
- Araxisys
- Trislee
- Syllee
- Gregwyn
- Greharice
- Presnala
- Holamys
- Birel
- Miara
- Helera
- Keythyra
- Jowynn
- Zylrie
- Dalee
- Daelynn
- Preslana
- Liabella
- Eiljyre
- Daleth
- Caixisys
- Shaphine
200 Elf Surnames
An elf is a member of one of the longest-lived species on “Azeroth”. They are known for keen perception, grace, and spell work. Elves believed to be the first race to awaken on Azeroth.
Some of the surname of famous elves’s are here:
- Adanell
- Aelasar
- Aelorothi
- Aendryr
- Aerasumé
- Aeravansel
- Aldaval
- Aloiene
- Alqualonde
- Amaratharr
- Amarthen
- Ammath
- Amrallatha
- Anuaer
- Ardorius
- Artordhron
- Augalvaryl
- Beinion
- Beor
- Braegen
- Briarbosk
- Brightcloak
- Brightsong
- Brightspear
- Brightstar
- Brightwing
- Castien
- Caundur
- Celelaeth
- Cererindur
- Chamaranthe
- Clatharla
- Corellon
- Cormyth
- Coudoarluth
- Craulnober
- Crystalis
- Cubrinmyr
- Darkbrood
- Darkwing
- Deryth
- Dor-lomin
- Dragonrider
- Eaglelord
- Ealoloth
- Ealoviel
- Earcorn
- Elaéyadar
- Elassidil
- Elerelwa
- Elian
- Elkenmage
- Ellarian
- Elond
- Erladden
- Erlshade
- Eroth
- Eruien
- Erunonidan
- Estelda
- Evanara
- Faefindas
- Faelen
- Faenion
- Faenor
- Faerondalan
- Felarathael
- Finwe
- Floralei
- Flyleaf
- Frostfang
- Gaelen
- Galaalta
- Goldenleaf
- Gourael
- Greencloak
- Gwaelon
- Hadirsyr
- Hador
- Haell
- Haerlgent
- Haleth
- Hasterien
- Hatanar
- Helion
- Hessarion
- Idhtulcdrach
- Ievos
- Iliathorr
- Ilnatar
- Immeril
- Impanton
- Imphenon
- Ipyllasc
- Irian
- Isiliraiellyn
- Kadhorduil
- Kithsidhion
- Kraok
- Laedireil
- Laelithar
- Lannarseer
- Laralytha
- Larbrinlal
- Larenthanil
- Larethian
- Lashrael
- Lassagaseer
- Lasslail
- Leaadion
- Liondale
- Lithelon
- Lithron
- Maedhros
- Maeglin
- Maeir
- Maertel
- Magor
- Maltathdar
- Moondown
- Moonflower
- Moonford
- Moonglade
- Moonshrine
- Moorfly
- Nenaias
- Nhachashaal
- Nhaéslal
- Nharimlur
- Nightstar
- Nightswatch
- Nightwing
- Noldorin
- Norodiir
- Northstar
- Oaktree
- Ongluth
- Orama
- Orbryn
- Quendi
- Redwing
- Rhothomir
- Rhuidhen
- Rhyllgallohyr
- Rivleam
- Rivvikyn
- Runemaster
- Sarsantyr
- Selmer
- Shinestar
- Shiredove
- Silkstream
- Siltral
- Silverbow
- Silverhand
- Silveroak
- Silverspear
- Simserion
- Snowfell
- Snowreign
- Stillhawk
- Stilmyst
- Stormspear
- Straeth
- Strongbow
- Suldusk
- Sunfoal
- Sunshield
- Sunstar
- Sylleth
- Tassarion
- Tathdel
- Taurntyrith
- Telerie
- Tellynnan
- Teshurr
- Thalien
- Thoimion
- Thothiion
- Thundruil
- Tipantdon
- Turnvale
- Tyrell
- Vanamaeduil
- Vanvathar
- Vispasial
- Voronbund
- Vyshaan
- Waelvor
- Werloththar
- Whitethistle
- Windslore
- Windstar
- Windwalker
- Wingglide
- Wintermoon
- Wolfspeak
- Yrauos
Christmas Elf names
The elves are intelligent and highly skilled. They help Santa to design and make toys every year. The original elves still work with Santa at the North Pole. They make the magic of Christmas come alive. The modern children’s folklore of Santa Claus typically includes small, nimble, green-clad elves with pointy ears, long noses, and pointy hats, as Santa’s helpers. They make the toys in a workshop located in the North Pole.
The role of elves as Santa’s helpers has continued to be popular.
Here are the names of Santa’s original Christmas elves:
- Rusty Puddingfoot
- Snow Frostymitten
- Bluebell Crackleplum
- Wink Bustlefeast
- Jangle Goodycane
- Fudge Ivydash
- Starlight Sweetivy
- Gingersnap Busymoon
- Mince Magicmoon
- Sparkle Everivy
- Flake Goodhope
- Jingle Ribbonlight
- Fir Nightfrost
- Ice Nippystar
- Jolly Hollyjump
- Gingernuts Grottotoy
- Bushy Milktree
- Tinsel Everhug
- Berry Caroljoy
- Tinkles Candlebow
- Dash Jinglefoot
- Fruity Cidermitten
- Honeycomb Flippyguest
- Eve Eversleigh
- Bluebell Frostywarmth
- Cookie Jiggleball
- Flake Rhymeglitter
- Trixie Plummitten
- Topper Goodsong
- Perky Chimneyivy
- Rusty Miraclewarmth
- Noel Mittenwine
- Fruity Cookiewine
- Mistle Cuddlecheer
- Snowdrop Giftcane
- Alabaster Sugarmoon
- Fizzy Chimneyivy
- Brandysnap Puddingbeard
- Jolly Wigglemitten
- Blue Nippymilk
- Evie Ivydash
- Winter Frostsong
- Merry Chimneymitten
- Mint Nippyjoke
- Perky Sparklemyrrh
- Mistletoe Sleepytree
- Ember Puddingbow
- Evie Firebeard
- Dandy Nightsleigh
- Fuzzle Cracklecane
- Twinkle Sparkletoy
- Trinket Chillcheer
- Garland Hollymyrrh
- Snowflake Candlemilk
- Mistletoe Milkywine
- Mince Chillykiss
- Ice Sweetwarmth
- Hazelnut Hollygift
- Ginger Sugarfeast
- Flake Carolmyrrh
- Jolly Hustlemitten
- Blitz Carolguest
- Jingle Milkwish
- Button Poemhope
- Pine Jollyglove
- Twinkletoes Chimneyguest
- Gingersnap Magicbeard
- Coco Nightwine
- Fig Carolguest
- Perky Rhymelaugh
- Candycane Ivybeard
- Gingersnap Grottonight
- Jingle Mittenjump
- Figgy Poembow
- Nutmeg Sugarbox
- Snappy Plumfoot
- Sparkle Candycheer
- Berry Sweetflake
- Blitz Jigglefriend
- Dash Nippyhat
- Flake Busyflake
- Cinnamon Frostyguest
- Starlight Nibblefeast
- Sugarplum Muffindance
- Bluebell Chillcheer
- Twinkletoes Milkkiss
- Fig Chillyflake
- Pine Chillsong
- Sugarplum Hustlemoon
- Skittle Nibbleglove
- Button Hollyspirit
- Ice Bustledancer
- Sparkle Nightmitten
- Snowball Goodyflake
- Candycane Giftbow
- Angel Cracklesledge
- Mint Carolbox
- Trinket Hollyivy
- Choco Partysleigh
- Nutmeg Frostyplum
Quite a big list of Christmas Elf Names, right? Did you like any?
Evil and Dark Elf names
Dark Elf is a creation of Norse mythology. But it is not just about the ancient civilization. The Dark elf survived the Norse era and dozens of eras later. Dark elves can still be seen and felt. Below is the list of some of the dark elves names:
- Dreklail Dalvi
- Zirziel Yairelreeth
- Aksica Wunner
- Edeci Vesri
- Ghacohi Pangogash
- Rhyrrern Theigiused
- Chocakno Taigresur
- Uvai Rusrer
- Khemzo Crizoldein
- Rhisini Mibe
- Orudri Thurvier
- Tindroc Sevni
- Gryndra Drarsir
- Bhacupu Shrigni
- Phacemi Phromae
- Qhucimri Zusoni
- Sioncyh Tuldano
- Tonzoh Maga
- Sokzadh Pilzeid
- Olupu Crandoh
- Irshado Chalvadel
- Gokshine Phriulded
- Phaponsi Khiulvinot
- Ebnime Khezee
- Ghoksebe Dreezru
- Oundrirth Paeganges
- Unda Ziurvash
- Adhopa Shurat
- Qucefro Wanzai
- Ghiemmyk Shubiaseh
- Qhinrudu Zonre
- Fuignic Chugreeren
- Dailross Thianeel
- Phasudu Niedorat
- Cepikle Shamiarvu
- Secle Bhanro
- Vytruth Khurliath
- Binveco Shidrubail
- Suiclin Kanunraeth
- Odnarth Rirzes
- Dorlae Muldra
- Chopophro Gedeiron
- Pindasi Thairsen
- Larrece Cozu
- Qhinselo Kherza
- Ynca Ervebit
- Enurru Ziesurthoh
- Qhimrumo Bhusalnuth
- Vinva Phebodral
- Hirise Bhizigric
- Phirhomi Orzubo
- Omzo Phrostronush
- Tiekrah Ghiasun
- Rhelansho Phirziunil
- Apada Sharazri
- Cimdru Pagiuth
- Biceh Kevnees
- Sadrekh Renvrer
- Dhymnakh Phairled
- Orad Krabael
- Adhono Udush
- Chinnama Khondred
- Vemla Alzoh
- Ikzass Phrilnet
- Fuku Keerignis
- Qhemennu Phurolnuh
- Qhamiklu Vaizogul
- Iothorth Pininre
- Fulne Shulzun
- Nicral Zestria
- Rathul Dolvomiu
- Rhilakh Pervush
- Etu Ruzri
- Gralva Noshro
- Dhufromu Vebuvno
- Ghumnuce Shredusah
- Curness Phriagraegur
- Khyclath Donnedus
- Qirella Vareldru
- Qibuphne Phurunzie
- Qebnehi Bierthasic
- Rurlorth Keenrigun
- Mufrube Bezieroh
- Urshale Yiaras
- Ilnili Chovra
- Odnorn Drizrazes
- Phelero Rirthoziel
- Bhirzy Rinzai
- Drukziek Thiman
- Bhoredhu Cosrunet
- Brerurn Khigrir
- Viocnu Duginnosh
- Gheknoh Waerthil
- Qibsise Cimendosh
- Bhubunse Togrot
- Ghecuna Sarerdrei
- Qhibidru Obungiah
- Lebodre Zumonu
- Qinsada Giredreit
- Grinvik Shragreen
- Vorvarn Reenguri
- Urheno Thimirus
Half Elves
Half-elves are the hybrid offspring of both a human and high elf. They can be offspring of a human and a half-elf. And they can also be the product of two half-elf parents. They usually have a combination of physical characteristics from both sides.
some of the half-elves’ names are below:
- Ranindel Virdove
- Farbyran Neritoris
- Jacelor Ernorin
- Berqinor Virgeiros
- Wilamar Sylxisys
- Bellanor Norxidor
- Reyverel Mirasatra
- Sanmon Thelynn
- Uanreak Bidi
- Zantevar Elhorn
- Rodlaer Luyarus
- Osendyl Ralohana
- Xanxiron Eldan
- Nigneak Orira
- Engtevar Holanan
- Ullumin Eilren
- Artien Gensandoral
- Nycoamar Ralolar
- Torith Heineiros
- Krisin Reyrel
- Garynor Orisalor
- Adben Farxisys
- Gabrune Miaqen
- Thomfyndar Dornan
- Meiellan Lorajeon
- Winaith Omatris
- Rogborin Glynwynn
- Fertael Ararie
- Ferrath Dorroris
- Anthath Wranrona
- Mallora Urinan
- Athna Ilihorn
- Genleria Zinrona
- Therlatha Inadi
- Elyewaris Bryzorwyn
- Mirlarel Qincan
- Irolanil Ernan
- Wolmadia Arapetor
- Alyria Ilirona
- Lilidue Kelfina
- Hegefarrel Keyralei
- Gresdelia Holadan
- Bynryll Elaren
- Gressianna Sarren
- Jenlessa Nerira
- Joysula Qinhorn
- Joylynor Beipeiros
- Gresnor Yelgolor
- Hadlica Bryric
- Melradyl Wynphine
- Adelrathla Farbanise
- Sephstele Wysalar
- Edebrae Balvyre
- Ismennee Miramyar
- Adnaril Xyrgwyn
- Manlenas Faekas
- Jinrina Leoberos
- Ismendaerae Pertoris
- Bellorna Yinran
- Jesmadia Aracaryn
- Merlesse Oriric
- Hosnaestra Olaydark
- Mathlaya Perfina
- Evelana Thewynn
- Queanys Umestina
- Elisniel Sarbalar
- Cednesra Yelsatra
- Maercaena Fargeiros
- Mereledha Iankian
- Merlira Craphine
- Ganora Keaxidor
- Norrila Cramaris
- Athrae Virsandoral
- Nazira Varie
- Marlee Liamyar
- Yllaerys Magcyne
- Hegerindra Waesberos
- Elizlya Urikrana
- Zelrelle Xilfina
- Nordiane Balbanise
- Ellihn Presralei
- Darthyl Jomaer
- Mariria Zinrona
- Vylmanda Lukas
- Venlynn Carcyne
- Iselyaries Magjeon
- Gisezael Quipetor
- Hoslynn Arazumin
- Miliphira Zumnelis
- Athvae Yesfaren
- Athwyn Eildan
- Lesmyra Eilcyne
- Wolkiasha Ularie
- Mereshara Caitris
- Fhalila Elaren
- Branrin Elamys
- Sararyl Yesbalar
- Hosrelle Torkas
- Mirlin Beisalor
- Esanora Iantris
- Hawshia Eladithas
- Winnandra Sarharice
- Elizliania Enven
- Mereralla Quibalar
- Evelleth Chaegella
- Jeskiasha Heilynn
- Liliwalyn Vaynore
- Beatlica Ianlee
- Selradyl Lugella
- Gonriani Morthana
- Wymmer Aedan
- Gabcoril Yinthana
- Gillamir Gilran
High Elves Names Generator
The high elves are a race descended from the Highborne night elves. Night elves left Kalimdor and settled in the Eastern Kingdoms. And founds Quel’Thalas.
Below is the list of some high elves:
- Ainetu
- Ahmon
- Misobhar
- Earnasan
- Mokainn
- Earnonn
- Yumuil
- Yisomemah
- Misemin
- Cealleal
- Gelalae
- Caenala
- Caenane
- Deiraoin
- Naemoma
- Cainnoni
- Aemauma
- Takania
- Magaid
- Cearulah
- Saenita
- Aestangwa
- Aesteine
- Wikis
- Moruala
- Moirighid
- Faenawa
- Medenda
- Aiyine
- Daerathla
- Ahmoton
- Eacheamas
- Feareamas
- Ceallomemah
- Caimoki
- Eamamh
- Arabaoo
- Eamaon
- Kelionn
- Ahmeaglan
- Eorulah
- Taerunia
- Brigeal
- Eilala
- Gaelawa
- Onidinka
- Aiyinita
- Maedaenon
- Faenaela
- Onise
- Morinka
- Etenis
- Muirilahi
- Aelirne
- Fenaena
- Aoibiav
- Caenita
- Eaduala
- Eistuanee
- Mairaenon
- Moreekoni
- Koline
- Orlilin
- Wakania
- Cheyaigen
- Alisighid
- Donose
- Agalae
- Medinn
- Saenirne
- Kelunta
- Hahnotah
- Niadhimon
- Raemotah
- Eamimon
- Finnionn
- Adhosan
- Ailaska
- Dinabaoo
- Colainn
- Maenathla
- Namenda
- Naemeann
- Lenmionn
- Eilanon
- Deirose
- Nualoni
- Mairiav
- Eilita
- Onuanee
- Aodhanan
- Tasaire
- Yumeaglan
- Ahmonn
- Raemoton
- Ailearn
- Agair
- Mokoki
- Muirachme
- Taimahome
- Yumeart
- Faelileas
- Kelanu
- Wanileas
- Niadhetu
- Fearerian
- Lansair
- Yisiarn
- Honotah
- Saemoine
- Muirionan
- Yisunta
- Cailead
- Maoilionn
- Cailahton
- Cillobhar
- Tasin
- Agiachna
- Maodhachme
- Conando
- Wakeamhna
- Yokenna
- Aguoia
- Maeroma
- Amighid
- Awenaid
- Sibane
- Doneal
- Cealliona
- Ailaimh
- Eorearca
- Terathla
- Briguoia
- Yokaoin
- Magona
- Shaneala
- Ailinn
- Gaeleamhna
- Daerinn
- Onaoine
- Dakeyo
- Honimon
- Adhoki
- Cadhainn
- Agos
- Deamamh
- Ahmeaglan
- Eirias
- Earainn
- Yisaidh
- Dakiarn
- Keletu
- Faeleidigh
- Lansomemah
- Caoleart
- Ceanotah
- Senaon
- Lansopka
- Earnotah
- Finairian
- Taeralae
- Caelinn
- Finalasa
- Finane
- Takionn
- Ceallawa
- Caenangwa
- Cheyania
- Amaenon
- Muironora
- Saenalae
- Aemaenon
- Terearca
- Cainnaoine
- Caelaela
- Deireala
- Soroma
- Yokaela
- Brigine
- Nualita
- Laenulah
- Aghneis
- Brigoni
- Naemeamhna
- Aeralasa
- Cheyinn
- Etenangwa
- Ailane
- Eadeis
- Eadighid
- Adhionan
- Apenamh
- Eachuan
- Eirnanu
- Raemeasal
- Peadeanan
- Finaoilin
- Senenam
- Delsos
- Dinoton
So, What you are waiting for?
We listed over 1000 Elf names at a single page. All you need to do is, pick the best one.
Note that you may not get such names using Elf Name generators. We compiled the best list and you won’t be disappointed.