Home > 283+ Best Superhero Names

283+ Best Superhero Names

Who doesn’t love superheroes?

Their ability to stretch our imagination captivates the hearts of young and old. We’ve all dreamt of being a superhero. But what are the best superhero names?

Lucky for you, we’ve put together this list of over 200 superhero names for you to choose from. These names are perfect for boyfriend nicknames, new pets, and much more. You could even name your car after a superhero if you’d like! We’ve categorized our top superhero names into different types – cool superhero names, creative superhero names, and much more. Everyone wishes they could be a superhero, and now you’ll have a name for your fantasy!

The history of the superhero goes way back to the 1800s. People have always believed in beings with higher powers, and the idea of superheroes came from ancient myths of gods and heroes. What the difference between a superhero and Hercules? Not much, really!

Here’s the first list of superhero names we’ve come up with. We hope you find something that suits you! We’ve tried to pick names that will fit many different types of superheros.

The Best Superhero Names

  1. Vindicate
  2. Ironside
  3. Torpedo
  4. Bionic
  5. Dynamo
  6. Miraculous
  7. Tornado
  8. Metal Man
  9. Jawbreaker
  10. Barrage
  11. Amplify
  12. Bonfire
  13. Monsoon
  14. Urchin
  15. Firefly
  16. Rubble
  17. Blaze
  18. Hurricane
  19. Slingshot
  20. Storm Surge
  21. Impenetrable
  22. Quicksand
  23. Night Watch
  24. Mastermind
  25. Captain Freedom
  26. Cannonade
  27. Bulletproof
  28. Turbine
  29. Kraken
  30. Granite
  31. Glazier
  32. MegaMan
  33. Fortitude
  34. Cast Iron

Creative Superhero Names

Looking for a creative Superhero Name? Here are some that will really amaze you.

  1. Fireball
  2. Polar Bear
  3. Turbulence
  4. Mako
  5. Captain Victory
  6. Flying Falcon
  7. Blackback
  8. Tradewind
  9. Manta Ray
  10. The Rooster
  11. Megalodon
  12. The Green Lantern
  13. Batman
  14. Spider-Man
  15. Iron Man
  16. Captain America
  17. Green Hornet
  18. Incredible Hulk
  19. Superman
  20. Fantastic
  21. Zorro
  22. Captain Marvel
  23. The Flash
  24. Terrific
  25. Robin or Nightwing
  26. Wolverine
  27. Cyclops
  28. Phantom
  29. Jazz
  30. Lucky
  31. Spyder
  32. Marvel
  33. Midnight
  34. Flash
  35. Gemini
  36. Jett
  37. Ranger
  38. Thor
  39. Phantom
  40. Magento
  41. Breeze
  42. Blaze
  43. Phoenix
  44. Cyborg
  45. Hercules
  46. Billy Batson
  47. Black Canary
  48. Orion
  49. Black Panther
  50. Jay Garrick
  51. Leonardo
  52. Alan Scott
  53. Raphael
  54. Raven
  55. Donna Troy
  56. Zatanna
  57. Beast Boy
  58. Donatello
  59. Starfire
  60. Red Tornado
  61. Steel
  62. Michelangelo
  63. Barbara Gordon
  64. Vixen
  65. Professor X
  66. Bucky Barnes
  67. Cassandra Cain
  68. Ray Palmer
  69. Hank Pym
  70. Doctor Strange
  71. John Stewart
  72. Captain Atom

Unique Superhero Names

Here is a list of 30 unique superhero names:

  1. Eclipse
  2. Tempest
  3. Velocity
  4. Luminescence
  5. Thunderbird
  6. Shadowcat
  7. Sunburst
  8. Starlight
  9. Nightblade
  10. Firebird
  11. Meteorite
  12. Vortex
  13. Arcane
  14. Thunderbolt
  15. Solaris
  16. Cyclone
  17. Spectrum
  18. Inferno
  19. Galaxia
  20. Moonstone
  21. Blaze
  22. Titan
  23. Nebula
  24. Windrider
  25. Radiant
  26. Oceanus
  27. Skybolt
  28. Cosmic
  29. Starfire
  30. Meteor

Superhero Names for Girls

  1. Storm
  2. DreamGirl
  3. Isis
  4. Destiny
  5. Dragonfly
  6. Spider-Women
  7. Elektra
  8. Huntress
  9.  Zatanna
  10. Psylocke
  11. Black Canary
  12. Tigra
  13. Elaea
  14. Elra
  15. Scarlet Witch
  16. Elara
  17. Mystique
  18. Jubilee
  19. Shadowcat
  20. Black Widow

Super Hero Names for Boys

  1. Monsoon
  2. Rubble
  3. Slingshot
  4. Quicksand
  5. Volcanic Ash
  6. Tarantula
  7. Night Howler
  8. Polar Bear
  9. Captain Victory
  10. Bionic
  11. Tornado
  12. Barrage
  13. Mastermind
  14. Bulletproof
  15. Granite
  16. Fortitude
  17. Captain Freedom
  18. Turbine
  19. Glazier
  20. Cast Iron
  21. Turbulence
  22. Flying Falcon
  23. Manta Ray
  24. Steamroller
  25. Onyx
  26. Eagle Eye
  27. Vigilance
  28. Bullseye
  29. Barracuda
  30. Blackback
  31. The Rooster
  32. Apex
  33. Shadowman
  34. Laser Sight
  35. Tradewind
  36. Megalodon
  37. Leviathan
  38. Exodus
  39. Storm Surge
  40. Night Watch
  41. Cannonade
  42. Kraken
  43. MechaMan
  44. Fireball
  45. Mako
  46. Titan
  47. Jackhammer
  48. Shockwave
  49. Chromium
  50. Torpedo
  51. Mr. Miraculous
  52. Jawbreaker
  53. Bonfire
  54. Firefly
  55. Hurricane
  56. Impenetrable
  57. Ironside
  58. Dynamo
  59. Metal Man
  60. Amplify
  61. Urchin
  62. Blaze

Superhero Name Generator

You can also generate a cool and unique superhero name using one of the “What’s your Superhero name” generators given below. This will help generate fun and creative superhero names for both boys and girls.

Simply follow the instructions given in the images and generate a cool and unique superhero name for yourself. Enjoy!

All these Superhero name generators are collected from Pinterest. 

Final Words

People usually say childhood dreams are silly, but not for the person dreaming them. We totally agree! we hope you enjoyed our list of over 200 superhero names and picked one out for yourself.

Got a great superhero name that’s not on our list? Let us know about it in the comments below.

Stay swiping friends!