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How to Hide the Battery Pack on Fairy Lights?

Fairy lights are beautiful decorative elements but the only problem is that the battery packs are unsightly. So, how do you hide them effectively?

Here are all the ideas you need to pull this idea off:

How Can You Hide the Battery Pack on Fairy Lights?

Hiding the battery pack on fairy lights depends on how you are using them as a decorative item – in general, though, you can use other elements in your theme to disguise the battery pack – you can also use the battery pack to enhance the other elements too.

How to Hide a Battery Pack in a Bottle?

It is quite common to keep fairy lights in a bottle or a jar.

If the lid (and deep) enough, then you may want to consider gluing the battery pack to the inside of the lid and then screwing it on.

Fairy lights and night can start

Keep in mind that this will not always work, depending on the size and design of the bottle, jar, or other container. Due to this, you should always have a test run.

Use a mild glue to stick the battery pack there. Then screw it in and take a look. If you can’t see the battery pack, then you are good to go. If you can, then you will need to take another route.

In this instance, you can hide the battery pack at the bottom of the container. However, to avoid it from it being noticeable, you will need to disguise it as something else.

What this will be will depend on the theme of the design. For instance, is the theme floral? If so, you can glue fabric or plastic flowers on the battery pack. You can also disguise it with moss or even decorate or paint it to look like a rock.

In case it will be a bit more rustic, then you can wrap the pack in burlap or twine in a creative manner.

How to Hide a Battery Pack in a Bottle Without Disguising It?

If you don’t want to disguise the battery pack, then there are still some options available to you.

One thing that you could do is to block out the bottom or the top of the bottle in some kind of way.

In case you want the battery pack to be hidden at the top, then wrap a large ribbon around the outside of the neck of the bottle.

For the bottom, wrap the bottom with twine, burlap, ribbon, or lace, depending on the theme for the event or the environment. Alternatively, you can also paint the bottom of the bottle and have the battery pack resting there.

Another idea is to use other types of centerpieces or decorative elements to hide the bottom of the bottle. You can do this with flowers, leaves, decorative rocks or stones, candles, and more.

In case you are using a jar with a wider neck and lid, then consider flipping the jar over so that it is standing on the lid. Place the battery pack on this new bottom.

Then, use ribbons or paint to hide this space. This can be a good option if you don’t want the jar to look just like a jar.

How to Hide a Battery Back in a Lantern?

If you are placing the fairy lights in a lantern, then you have a unique opportunity as long as the design and structure of the lantern cooperates.

Colorful fairy lights

In this instance, keep the fairy lights in the lantern but make sure that the battery pack remains outside. Then, spray paint the battery pack to match the color of the lantern. Balance the lantern on top of the battery pack so that the pack looks like the base.

Needless to say, this is another idea that you are going to need to test out beforehand. So, go ahead and try this with one of the lanterns – make sure that you can find the right color spray paint first. Then, if it works you can use it on the rest of the lanterns.

If this doesn’t work, then you can try gluing the battery pack to the top of the lantern as long as this area is solid instead of glass.

How to Hide Battery Packs When Stringing Up Fairy Lights?

Now, what if you are stringing up the fairy lights on the wall? How do you hide them in this case?

Well, once again, you have to consider what your theme is.

If you have a Christmas theme, then it can be simple as gluing pinecones to one side or both of the battery pack. The same thing can be done with flowers and other decorative elements.

If you want, you can also get a little creative here. Create a wreathe of leaves, flowers, or whatever else fits in your theme. Then, stick the battery packs on the back.

This will create a nice interruption between the fairy lights and add to the aesthetic as a whole.

You can also entwine the fairy lights with ribbon, twine, lace, or some other material that suits your aesthetic. Then, in the areas where the battery pack is, have bows, fabric flowers, or something similar.

How Do You Hide Battery Packs on Fairy Lights?

There are a few different ways to hide battery packs, depending on how the fairy lights are being used – in bottles or while hanging, the packs can be disguised or exterior decorative elements can be placed around the bottle – in lanterns, they can be the base.