Home > 231+ Best Softball Quotes and Sayings [Famous List]

231+ Best Softball Quotes and Sayings [Famous List]

231+ Best Softball Quotes and Sayings [Famous List]

No doubt that people are forgetting softball games now but the women are still holding the name of this game very high. it’s a good game yet. Let’s see a cool list of best softball quotes and sayings in this article.

But you can’t explain the game to every person, sad but true. But you can post a quote with one of the best pictures while playing softball and make people understand what this game is and what your feelings are for the game.

Now, playing is some other thing and writing a quote is completely different, we are not asking you to be good in both of them, we are here to help. We have collected some of the best softball quotes just for you, Check them out and choose the best one.

Best Softball Quotes for Everyone

Best Softball Quotes
Best Softball Quotes
  • ”Be ready for that curve ball, because you have no idea where it’s going. Not even the pitcher knows.” – Unknown
  • ”I make my weaknesses my strengths and my strengths stronger.” – Lisa Fernandez
  • ”A boy once told me that I play like a girl. I told him if he tried a little harder, he could too.” – Unknown
  • ”Softball girls aren’t afraid of a little dirt.” – Unknown
  • ”My parents taught me a long time ago that you win in life with people, and that’s important, because if you hang with winners, you stand a great chance of being a winner.
  • Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. – John Wooden
  • Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable. – John Wooden
  • We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle
  • Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. – John Wooden
  • It’s not how you start; it’s how you finish.
  • Accountability is essential to personal growth, as well as team growth. How can you improve if you’re never wrong? If you don’t admit a mistake and take responsibility for it, you’re bound to make the same one again. – Pat Summit
  • The absolute heart of loyalty is to value those people who tell you the truth, not just those people who tell you what you want to hear. In fact, you should value them most. Because they have paid you the compliment of leveling with you and assuming you can handle it. – Pat Summitt
  • If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? — John Wooden
  • Here’s how I’m going to beat you. I’m going to outwork you. That’s it. That’s all there is to it. – Pat Summitt
  • Attitude lies somewhere between emotion and logic. It’s that curious mix of optimism and determination that enables you to maintain a positive outlook and to continue plodding in the face of the most adverse circumstances. – Pat Summitt
  • By doing things when you are too tired, by pushing yourself farther than you thought you could — like running the track after a two-hour practice — you become a competitor. Each time you go beyond your perceived limit, you become mentally stronger. – Pat Summitt
  • Attitude is a choice. Think positive thoughts daily. Believe in yourself. – Pat Summitt
  • No one feels strong when she examines her own weakness. But in facing weakness, you learn how much there is in you, and you find real strength. – Pat Summitt
  • When you choose to be a competitor you choose to be a survivor. When you choose to compete, you make the conscious decision to find out what your real limits are, not just what you think they are. – Pat Summitt
  • Discipline helps you finish a job, and finishing is what separates excellent work from average work. – Pat Summitt
  • Admit to and make yourself accountable for mistakes. How can you improve if you’re never wrong? – Pat Summitt
  • Responsibility equals accountability equals ownership. And a sense of ownership is the most powerful weapon a team or organization can have. – Pat Summitt
  • My parents taught me a long time ago that you win in life with people, and that’s important, because if you hang with winners, you stand a great chance of being a winner. – Pat Summitt
  • She taught me that it’s ok to let down your guard and allow your players to get to know you. They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. – Pat Summitt
  • Anyone can quit, but it takes a strong, committed person not to quit when times are tough. – Pat Summitt
  • Teamwork is really a form of trust. It’s what happens when you surrender the mistaken idea that you can go it alone and realize that you won’t achieve your individual goals without the support of your colleagues. – Pat Summitt
  • You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. – Michael Jordan
  • A winner never whines.- Paul Brown
  • The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can’t do. – Dennis Waitley
  • I’ve worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of my goals. I will not let my teammates down and I will not let myself down. -Mia Hamm
  • “Its supposed to be hard, if it wasn’t hard everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.”
  • You must sacrafice, train, and do everything possible to put yourself in a position to win. But if you consider second or third a failure, I feel sorry for you.
  • Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you away from playing the game.
  • Mind over matter……because in our mind, you don’t matter
  • We don’t wear cups, we win them.
  • Life’s a pitch
  • This diamond doesn’t sparkle but I protect it with my LIFE
  • Softball is life with the volume turned up. How loud is your game?
  • Remember when hitting like a girl was a bad thing?
  • It’s amazing how much can be accomplished if no one cares who gets the credit.
  • Life’s hard. Softball’s harder.
  • Your balls may be harder but my balls are bigger
  • Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard
  • Risk everything. Fear Nothing. Live with no regrets
  • If baseball is life, softball is heaven
  • life’s a pitch, so take it for a ride.
  • Make your competitive juices overcome your excuses.
  • Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
  • There’s no place like home
  • We don’t remember days…we remember moments.
  • Softball is life, the rest is just details
  • Real woman have great curves…and fastballs and change-ups
  • The ones who have talent are good but the ones who practice are great.
  • There is no place like home base.
  • A true man of character knows his limitations – but doesn’t accept them
  • A baller gonna get dirty
  • Softball: Blood, sweat, and tears, and you still want more.
  • I play hard with softballs
  • The difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary is that little Extra
  • Sometimes it’s not how good you are, but how bad you want it
  • We play softball, but we aint going soft on you
  • If I’m not leading by example, then I’m not doing the right thing. And I want to always do the right thing. – Pat Summitt
  • The willingness to experiment with change may be the most essential ingredient to success at anything. – Pat Summitt
  • Success is a project that’s always under construction. – Pat Summitt
  • Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. – Helen Keller
  • We’re prepared, and we’ve done everything we can to prepare for this moment in time. That’s what confidence is all about. – Lisa Fernandez
  • Never limit yourself, never be satisfied, and smile — it’s free! – Jennie Finch
  • You can’t always control the circumstances — only how you react to those circumstances; you can always control your attitude and your effort. – Jennie Finch
  • Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts and let them shine! – Jennie Finch
  • I may be wearing makeup, but I can throw a fastball by you at the same time. – Jennie Finch
  • Every year I make a commitment to try to beat myself. So whatever number I got or however many hits I got, I try to beat myself and become better.

Short Softball Quotes for Players

When you can deliver your message in a short sentence then why to waste time in long paragraphs. Yes, that is possible. We have some short quotes for softball here. Just check them once, we are sure you’ll like them.

Best Softball Saying
Best Softball Quotes
  • I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion. – Billie Jean King
  • Mastery is a product of consistently going beyond our limits. – Stewart Emery
  • What you put into it is what you get out of it. – Keilani Ricketts
  • There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. – Colin Powell
  • There’s nothing soft about my Balls
  • There’s plenty of room at the top but no room to lie down
  • Softball is not for softies
  • Softball is like love, first you learn the rules of the game, and then you forget the rules and play from your heart.
  • Busting ours to kick yours
  • Some call them opponents, I call them victims
  • We want a catcher not a back scratcher.
  • Your mom called. You left your game at home
  • If ur dating a softball player raise ur hands, If ur NOT raise ur standards.
  • Don’t-cha wish your girlfriend could play like me
  • There is no glory in practice but without practice there can be no glory.
  • play like you’re in first, train like you’re in second
  • Heart is the difference between those who attempt and those who achieve
  • If you never lose then you can never appreciate the victories.
  • I’m so good your mom cheers for me
  • In softball, Good Girls Steal
  • There is no shame in my game.
  • Don’t let the name of softball fool you, be ready to play hardball.
  • We want a pitcher not a belly itcher
  • One team one dream.
  • Ho hard or go home
  • 6-4-3=2 softball math… you wouldn’t understand!!
  • When we played softball, I’d steal second base, feel guilty and go back.- Woody Allen
  • Once in a while, I played second base; once in a while, outfield. But those were just pickup games and softball leagues. So when I bought the Yankees, I tried to stay one pace ahead of the players. – George Steinbrener
  • We have North Shore, Hawaii and Lost all there, so they have softball tournaments between the casts. It’s hilarious. – Josh Holloway
  • Play the ball; don’t let the ball play you.
  • When the source is a story. That’s a softball question. – Michael Wolff
  • If you always live with those who are lame, you will yourself learn to limp. – Anon.
  • I am a lefty, though I bat right-handed… When I was a kid I pitched, played first, outfield and shortstop as well.
  • Now it’s mainly softball with some friends.
  • To play against me you gotta have guts. To play against my team you gotta be nuts.
  • Cinderella can have her glass slipper, this princess wears cleats.
  • its more than a sport, more like a passion, red dirt and bruises, are in the fashion.
  • If you can pitch it. I can hit it. If you can hit it. I can catch it. If I were you I’d turn around and go home.
  • I never lost a game I just ran out of time
  • When I am working it is up early and coffee and 15 hours of being on the set. When I am not working, it is up late and coffee, golf or softball and hopefully a ball game on the television.
  • It is, … kind of a softball atmosphere out there.
  • What I love about the game is that the game doesn’t know who is supposed to win. – Sue Enquist
  • I am who I am. I’m going to be who I am. And I’m going to give my all to the game in the way that I do it. – Lonni Alameda
  • When you dive into college softball, your life is changing dramatically and you’ve got to be ready for that. It’s not easy and it’s frustrating. And there’s a lot of HARD about it. Life needs to be hard in order for you to know how to be triumphant. – Patty Gasso
  • If you look back at yesterday and think it was a big deal, then you haven’t done anything today. – Cat Osterman
  • Anything worthy of your passion should be worthy of your preparation. – Sue Enquist
  • A true champion is someone who wants to make a difference, who never gives up, and who gives everything she has no matter what the circumstances are. A true champion works hard and never loses sight of her dreams. – Dot Richardson
  • We have to continue to grow to learn how to get to each and every player. If I can learn to communicate in different ways, then I can become a better coach to 23 players. – Lonni Alameda
  • Hard is when it matters; when you’re tired is when it counts.
  • The worst thing a coach can do is to develop a philosophy and spend their entire career defending that philosophy.
  • Do or do not. There is no try. – Yoda
  • When you’re in the box, be in the box. – Ken Ravizza
  • I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou
  • I want my team to be more detached from the wins and losses and be more focused on doing the little things well. When you focus on getting the win, it can suffocate you, especially during the playoffs when the pressure gets thick. – Sue Enquist
  • The team with the best athletes doesn’t usually win. It’s the team with the athletes who play best together. – Lisa Fernandez
  • It’s always about wanting to one-up myself from the day before. There’s never an absolute 100 percent performance, but going out and striving for that perfect performance is what keeps me going. – Cat Osterman
  • Be so good they can’t ignore you.
  • Be yourself.
  • All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney
  • Life’s a pitch.
  • The dream is free but the hustle is sold separately.
  • Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece. – John Wooden
  • Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who’ll argue with you. – John Wooden
  • It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen. – John Wooden
  • Success is never final; failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts. – John Wooden
  • You can’t let praise or criticism get to you. It’s a weakness to get caught up in either one.

Best Softball Sayings

When you think that the game, softball is the best of all then why to use some ordinary quotes for it? Yes, We have some of the best quotes ever written for softball quotes. You can read them once and surely pick as many as you want from the list. Don’t wait, Go on!

Best Softball Quotes
Best Softball Quotes
  • ”Softball is for everyone. Fast-pitch is for athletes.” – Unknown
  • ”Softball has given me so much in life. It’s taught me the kind of person I want to be, and given me a sweet sisterhood. It even led me to my husband.” – Jennie Finch
  • ”We play this game (softball) with emotion and love._ Coach always says ‘Emotionally, physically, mentally — come to the field prepared.’_ Because if you don’t bring that to the field, you’re going to get beat.” – Laura Berg
  • ”Softball: Where good girls steal.” – Unknown
  • ”Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – Unknown
  • ”Sweat dries, blood clots, bones heal, suck it up princess. This is softball.” – Unknown
  • ”When I step into batter’s box, the fans, the noise, the cheers, they all disappear. For that moment, the world is just a battle between me and the pitcher. And more than anything, I want to win.” – Mary W.
  • ”If it were easy, they’d call it baseball.” – Unknown
  • ”Your body is not made to throw like we throw. That’s why you see softball pitchers pitching two or three games a day. It’s a natural movement in softball. In baseball it’s not a natural movement.” – Jamie Moyer
  • ”Softball isn’t a one woman sport, there’s 11 other girls who become your sisters. And don’t forget that you win as a team and lose as a team.” – Unknown
  • ”Softball is like love, first you learn the rules of the game, and then you forget the rules and play from your heart.” – Unknown
  • ”It’s a game of making great pitches at the right time, being opportunistic by getting a run at the right time and playing good defense. –Mike Candrea
  • ”There is a way to play this game (softball) physically, but it’s the mental part that’s going to separate gold from silver and silver from bronze.” – Lisa Fernandez
  • It is, … kind of a softball atmosphere out there. – Lance Berkman
  • The pain won’t last forever, but the memories will
  • When all the girls were getting all made up and getting into all that girl stuff in junior high I was out playing softball or touch football with the guys. – Catherine Bell
  • Clint Eastwood’s a good friend, too – he and I used to play in softball games together. – Lee Majors
  • I played Little League and in high school. I played more over the years whenever there was a pick-up game… usually softball. – Matthew Modine
  • “Its supposed to be hard, if it wasn’t hard everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.”
  • You must sacrafice, train, and do everything possible to put yourself in a position to win. But if you consider second or third a failure, I feel sorry for you.
  • I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You have to have one hand free to throw something back.
  • The game begins the moment you forget your playing.
  • I dont want to play golf. When I hit a ball I want someone to go chace it.
  • You spend your life gripping a softball, but in the end it was the other way around the whole time.
  • Play for the name on the front of your jersey, not the name on the back.
  • When the game is over leave it on the field.
  • A winner is that person who gets up one more time then he was knocked down


Inspirational & Badass Softball Quotes

Having a sports person spirit is so inspirational in itself and when you have for a game like a softball, it can be twice inspirational. So, we have some very good options for inspirational softball quotes too. Have a look and choose the quote you feel can inspire others too.

Inspirational Softball Quotes
Best Softball Quotes
  • It’s a game of making great pitches at the right time, being opportunistic by getting a run at the right time and playing good defense.
  • Life is 20 percent of what happens to you and 80 percent how you respond to it.
  • You can make yourself miserable or you can make yourself strong. The amount of work is the same. – Andrea Duran
  • Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
  • ”The softball gods giveth and the softball gods taketh away, but that evens out over the season.” – Yvette Girouard
  • ”I am who I am. I’m going to be who I am. And I’m going to give my all to the game in the way that I do it.” – Lonni Alameda
  • ”I played softball. I was on an all-star team. I traveled with the team. I loved it.” – Elizabeth Banks
  • ”Everybody knows that pitching and defense win championships. It’s all about defense. It’s that way in pretty much every sport. So if we can pitch and play defense we have a chance at a championship. But you can also win quite a few games by hitting.” – Ehren Earleywine
  • ”I played softball for a few years growing up. Both my brothers played baseball.” – Maggie Lawson
  • ”When all the girls were getting all made up and getting into all that girl stuff in junior high I was out playing softball or touch football with the guys.” – Catherine Bell
  • ”I grew up on the softball field. Every day I would take my glove and my bat with me.” – Yoenis Cespedes
  • ”Never let yesterday’s disappointments overshadow tomorrow’s dreams.” – Allison, West Morgan Softball
  • ”Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – Babe Ruth
  • ”Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory.” – Arthur Ashe
  • ”I think that certain players are going to approach the game differently. I am more of a quiet person. I like to have more of a focused energy and internal energy whereas some people need to be bouncing off the walls to be ready for the game.” – Caitlin Lowe
  • ”Softball, it’s more than just a game!” – Coach Dave, Sluggers Softball
  • ”We’re going to step on the field knowing that every team we’re going against is going to push their game to that whole new level that we probably hadn’t seen. … We’ve just got to be ready to step up with them.”
  • If you’re out there to look pretty then get off the field, it’s not about looking pretty it’s about sweat, practice, practice, practice, and then the slide into home that wins you the game.
  • Sometimes the only way to tell its practice is by what you’re wearing.
  • Sometimes the only thing fair in life is a ball hit between 1st and 3rd.
  • You can’t steal second with one foot on first.
  • if you don’t play fast-pitch, don’t say you play softball.
  • Softball is for everyone. Fast-pitch is for athletes.
  • The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. – Vincent T. Lombardi
  • Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. – Robert F. Kennedy
  • If a tie is like kissing your sister, losing is like kissing your grandmother with her teeth out. -George Brett
  • I always felt that my greatest asset was not my physical ability, it was my mental ability. – Bruce Jenne
  • To give less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. -Steve Prefontaine
  • If what you did yesterday still looks big to you today, then you must not have done anything today.
  • Don’t think you’re to good to sit and root for your team, be a team player.
  • Fresh cut grass, dragged dirt, ring of a bat, a diving catch, a blocked ball, sweating, bleeding and sliding into home. Not a bad way to spend a few hours.
  • Did you ever get that gut feeling in your stomach when you’re about to walk on the field? I figured out what it was, it’s that feeling that your gotta win.
  • If you face a worthy opponent acknowledge their skills and show them yours.
  • When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. But when a pitcher hands you a changeup, smack it right down her throat.
  • Softball is not a one women sport, you have to have faith in those other 8 girls out there with you, because you are all playing the same game. You win as a team, you lose as a team.
  • Throw your heart over the fence and the ball will go with it.
  • I hope you like animals, cause I’m a beast.
  • You got to want it to win it… And I want it bad
  • Yes, I do hit like a girl….And your boyfriend just flinched!
  • Call us butter cause we on a roll
  • Four bases, three strikes, two teams, one winner.
  • Boys Are Great: Every Girls Softball Team Needs A Waterboy.
  • I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot…and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that’s precisely why I succeed.
  • ”It’s always about wanting to one-up myself from the day before. There’s never an absolute 100% perfect performance, but going out and striving for that perfect performance is what keeps me going.” – Cat Osterman, pitcher, Team USA
  • ”By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
  • ”Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” –
  • ”Dream big and work hard. Play with passion and the sky is the limit.
  • ”To play it takes talent, but to win it takes desire!” – Unknown
  • ”Softball isn’t a game it’s a way of life. We play because we love the game, not for our parents, our siblings, or to impress people by how far you.” – Unknown
  • ”Softball is from the top of the heart every game you play its played by love in your heart.” – Unknown
  • ”Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – George Herman Ruth
  • ”To some Softball is a game; to others it’s Life.”
  • Four bases, three strikes, two teams, one winner. It’s not just a game, but a way of life. Softball, this is my destiny. Anonymous
  • I make my weaknesses my strengths and my strengths stronger.
  • A good athlete always mentally replays a competition over and over, even in victory, to see what might be done to improve the performance the next time.
  • Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory. ~ Arthur Ashe
  • When all the girls were getting all made up and getting into all that girl stuff in junior high I was out playing softball or touch football with the guys.
  • The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital. ~ Joe Paterno
  • The minute you start talking about what you’re going to do if you lose, you have lost. – George Shultz
  • It’s always about wanting to one-up myself from the day before. There’s never an absolute 100% perfect performance, but going out and striving for that perfect performance is what keeps me going.
  • When we played softball, I’d steal second base, feel guilty and go back.
  • It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get back up. ~ Vince Lombardi
  • It is not for man to rest in absolute contentment. He is born to hopes and aspirations, as the sparks fly upward, unless he has brutified his nature, and quenched the spirit of immortality, which is his portion.—Southey.
  • As teammates, we are always there for one another … everyone has everyone’s back. -Whitney Barrett
  • I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You have to have one hand free to throw something back.
  • The game begins the moment you forget your playing.
  • I dont want to play golf. When I hit a ball I want someone to go chase it.
  • You spend your life gripping a softball, but in the end it was the other way around the whole time.

That’s it, You have some really good list of softball quotes. Softball is a game played by a softball and there’s one more fact with the game that many people haven’t heard about it much. So, if you’re the player.. you should better make people aware of the game and rather than giving a big speech, you should use quotes to send your message.

Final Words

You must be having your favorite softball quotes with you right now.

So, Come on, without any hesitation, Start posting. If you’ve liked this article “best softball quotes” list, please feel free to share it on your social media profiles and let others get to know about this list of best softball quotes article.

If you have any softball quote in your mind,  feel free to suggest them in the comment section below. We will add it to our best softball quotes list article

Softball Quotes for Inspiration and Motivation

FloSoftball has compiled a list of the greatest softball quotes of all time from notable figures in the sport including Sue Enquist Jennie Finch Lisa Fernandez and Cat Osterman.

Some of the quotes highlight the importance of hard work preparation and perseverance in achieving success.

Others emphasize the value of teamwork communication and personal growth.

The quotes also touch on the mindset and attitude necessary for success such as staying focused staying positive and never giving up.

Many of the quotes come from renowned coaches and players who have achieved great success in the sport.

The quotes serve as inspiration and motivation for softball players and fans alike.

Softball is for everyone while fast-pitch is for athletes.

The key to success in softball is taking it one pitch and one day at a time.

Softball is a sport where good girls steal.

Softball is not for softies.

Softball requires dedication and hard work.

Softball teaches valuable life lessons about teamwork and perseverance.

Softball is a game that brings joy and excitement to players and fans alike.

Softball players have a strong sense of camaraderie and support for one another.

Softball is a sport that challenges both physically and mentally.

Softball players strive to improve their skills and become the best they can be.

Softball has a rich history and continues to grow in popularity worldwide.

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