Home > My Husband Annoys Me When He Drinks – Here’s Everything You Need to Know

My Husband Annoys Me When He Drinks – Here’s Everything You Need to Know

If your husband always annoys you when he drinks, he might have an alcohol problem. You will have to speak to him and try and get professional help.

This article not only runs through how you can do this, but how you can manage a spouse that abuses alcohol, and some other important information that you may like.

What Do You Do if Your Husband Annoys You When He Drinks?

You first need to figure out why he annoys you when he drinks. If he doesn’t have an alcohol problem, and it’s just you not liking the fact that he drinks, you will have to change the way that you think. There’s nothing wrong with him cutting loose.

But if he gets a bit messy when he is drunk, you will have to work with him and try to get him to drink less. Of course, if he has a drinking problem, this would be easier said than done. You may have to either have an intervention or get him professional help.

If he does something specific that’s embarrassing while he is under the influence, tell him when he’s sober about this. He may be able to control himself next time.

How Do You Get Your Husband to Stop Drinking?

If your husband has a drinking problem and you want him to stop, you will find this section useful. It runs through all the best tips and tricks to try.

Let’s get to it.

1.      Talk Things Out

The first step would be to speak to your loved one about his problem. Although it may be obvious to everyone around him, it may not have hit him that he is struggling with an alcohol dependance.

I would advise that you prep what you will be saying, as you might rub him the wrong way otherwise. Also don’t scare him and have a big meeting with all of your loved ones. Just have a personal discussion about how you think he needs help.

Remember to be open with how you feel and let it all out. You being vulnerable would encourage him to change.  Maybe take this step a bit slow, as opening up about everything at once can be risky.


2.      Get Professional Help

Once you’ve communicated how you feel, you should recommend seeing a professional. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are the best – they are groups for people who suffer from alcohol dependance where they get together and talk about their addiction.

But you can also take him to a therapist so that the two of you can discuss how his behavior is affecting your relationship.

3.      Avoid Codependency

Definitely avoid trying to be codependent. This is basically justifying your loved one’s behaviors, and not discouraging them. Although you should be supportive, it’s important that you also be stern and remind him that he is making serious mistakes.

4.      Make it Easier for Him

While your husband recovers, try and limit drinking in front of him. You could unfortunately cause him to relapse if you’re not careful.

Be sure to coordinate with friends and family so that they limit how much alcohol they consume Infront of him too.

5.      Show Him That Life Can Be Fun

One of the reasons he may struggle with giving up alcohol is because he doesn’t think he can have fun without it. You need to show him how untrue this is.

Unfortunately, this is a misconception that quite a few alcoholics have, and refuse the give up drinking because of.

6.      Be Supportive

Once he starts making the necessary changes, support him every step of the way. It will be hard for him so you being his rock will make things easier. I would recommend that you rally all of his loved ones so that he gets all the love that he needs too.

Probably the best way to show your support would be to go with him to alcohol anonymous meetings. You will learn more about what he’s suffering with which will show him that you care.

7.      Take Care of Yourself

While you are trying to help your husband, remember to take care of yourself too. This will help you take care of him better – you would be rejuvenated and able to handle the situation the best.

So don’t be afraid to take some time off from work and take a breather when things get tough.

Just like seeking a joint therapist with your husband would be smart, you should also consider seeing one just for yourself. You would be able to preserve your state of mind.


How Do You Get a Loved One to Seek Professional Help?

As mentioned, seeing a professional is one of the best ways to deal with alcoholism. But if your loved one is hesitant about this, there are a couple of tricks that you can try to convince him.

By far, the best would be to talk to him about how his drinking problem is ruining his life. If you have kids, telling him how his behavior is affecting them might do the trick. But you should also bring into the light how his addiction is straining your marriage.

Be stern with your actions as well, as you can give him an ultimatum. If he does not seek help, you will leave him.

Of course, you can help him if he’s demotivated by finding all the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in the area. So, all he does is show up. And you can also make counselling appointments for him.

How Do You Deal with an Unhappy Marriage?

If your husband is not able to fix his drinking problem, no one would blame you for wondering what to do next. As mentioned, it would be best to go to couple’s therapy. You would have a professional that will help you navigate this tricky situation.

If even therapy does not work, there is no reason for you to be stuck in an unhappy marriage. You can leave him. But before you do this, prepare mentally as it is going to be a lot of work.

This would especially be the best choice if you have kids, as it would not be smart to raise them with an alcoholic around.

I would advise that you look for a good attorney as you definitely want to win the custody of your kids if things get ugly.

What are the Health Issues of an Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction is very dangerous as it not only can problems at home, but also a range of health issues too.  You can run your husband through them to convince him to stop drinking.

Let’s talk about some of the most notable.

1.      Digestive Problems and Lesions

Although not many people are aware of this, alcohol abuse can cause digestive problems. Overtime, drinking damages the mucous cells in the stomach and induces inflammation as well as lesions. This not only will take your appetite away but also cause nausea and abdominal pain.

2.      Cirrhosis / Liver Damage

Alcohol abuse can cause your liver to inflame. Over time, this can cause scars known as cirrhosis. This damage is unfortunately irreversible and is the final stage of alcoholic liver disease – it will lead to death.

3.      Personal Injuries

Being intoxicated all the time can of course cause injuries. This is especially an issue if you have a car, as you can easily get into a life-threatening accident. Quite a few people injure themselves by falling down the stairs when they are drunk too.


4.      High Blood Pressure

Alcohol is known to cause high blood pressure which can ultimately cause a heart attack. When you drink, your blood vessels tighten which narrows down your blood flow.

5.      Cancer

Your body breaks alcohol down to a chemical called Acetaldehyde when it is consumed. It can damage your DNA which can ultimately cause cancer. Studies have shown that alcohol-use accounts for up to 6% of all cancer cases in the United States.

6.      Suicidal Thoughts

Alcohol addiction can a lot of the time lead to suicide. This is as you cannot live without drinking, and when you are intoxicated, you act in ways that affects everyone around you.

Alcohol is a depressant that can also affect the way you think. So, you can expect suicidal thoughts as well.

Final Thoughts

If your husband annoys you when he drinks, you are not alone. This is a problem that many wives face at the end of the day. If he doesn’t have an alcohol problem, and you just find it annoying that he drinks, you may be the problem unfortunately.

But if his behavior becomes uncontrollable when he is under the influence, you should try and speak to him and get him to stop drinking as much. This is easier said than done at the end of the day, so you might have to have an intervention.

Hopefully you found all of the points that were run through useful.

Reasons for Annoyance and How to Positively Affect Your Husband’s Drinking Habits

Two possible reasons for annoyance when your husband drinks excessively are his excessive drinking habits or a family history of alcoholism. It’s important to address the issue of your husband’s excessive drinking because it can have a bad impact on your relationship. Some indicators of a drinking problem are personality changes frequent absence from home and important events and a family history of drinking-related issues. To positively affect your partner’s drinking habits start by accepting the problem and how it affects you. Communicate your concerns to your husband in a non-confrontational way and emphasize the impact it has on your relationship. If your husband rejects the advice finding a middle ground may be possible such as agreeing to abstain from alcohol together one evening a week. It’s important to determine what “too much” drinking means for your husband and seeking the help of a trained expert may be necessary. Having a proper conversation about the issue is crucial but timing is also important. Remember seeking support for both you and your partner will be crucial in dealing with a serious drinking problem. Open yourself up to exploring the reasons for your annoyance as addressing them may strengthen the bond and increase intimacy in your relationship.