Has your diamond ring lost its sparkle over the years? The good news is that you may be able to restore it to its former glory by yourself!
Take a look at these guidelines and other hints to find out how to manage this task at home:
How Can You Restore a Dull Diamond Ring?
You can clean a cloudy diamond ring using soap and water or a stronger ammonia-based solution, depending on how dirty the ring is. Always try the gentler method before moving onto the other to ensure that you treat your diamond ring as carefully as possible.
Cleaning a Diamond Ring with Soap and Water
This method will work if your ring has a little bit of grime on it. Even if the buildup is significant, it is best to start of with just soap and water first. At the very least, this will dislodge some of the dirt, making it easier for you to remove later.
If you are cleaning the ring in your sink, make sure to use a stopper beforehand. This reduces the risk of your ring accidentally being washed down the drain.
Next, fill a bowl with warm – not hot – water. Add several drops of dishwashing liquid to the water, just enough to make it soapy. Mix well so that the soap is thoroughly dissolved in the water.
Place the ring in this solution and leave it for five to ten minutes. Then, remove it. If there is only mild buildup on your ring, you can ring to gently clean off with the dirt using a toothbrush.
Otherwise, move onto the following step, but don’t discard the solution.
How to Clean a Diamond with an Ammonia-Based Solution
Fill a second bowl with warm water. This time around, though, add a few drops of an ammonia-based glass cleaning solution. Make sure that there isn’t any bleach in the product beforehand.
Drop the ring inside the solution. Let it sit for up to five minutes. Wear a pair of gloves when removing the ring from glass.
Then, use a toothbrush to gently scrub the diamond with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Carefully clean all sides. If the diamond is in a prong setting, you need to make certain that the bristles of the brush don’t get caught in the side.
If it does, don’t pull too hard or you could end up dislodging the stone. Instead, use a toothpick to try and get the bristle out of where it is stuck.
Once you have brushed the stone, place it back in the soap and water solution. Continue to brush the stone in the bowl. Most of the grime should wash out.
Next, hold the ring under running water. As mentioned, stopper up the sink first.
Use a clean, lint-free cloth to wipe the diamond and ring carefully. Don’t skip this step – if the ring airdries, there is a chance that watermarks will be left behind. This will compromise the sparkle of the ring.
What Type of Chemicals Can You Use to Clean a Diamond Ring?
Make sure to always use the mildest possible detergents when cleaning your diamond rings. This is especially true with the ammonia solution. As mentioned, make sure that there is no bleach or similar chemicals.
Contrary to what you may have heard, vinegar, witch hazel, and other ingredients with bleaching capabilities are similarly bad for your ring.
Diamonds are strong and can withstand most components or conditions. However, certain chemicals can react with the metal in your band. In doing so, it will tarnish or damage the finish on the ring.
If the damage is significant enough, then you may need to replace the band. As such, it is better to proceed carefully when cleaning the ring.
Should You Clean Rings with Mixed Stones Using the Same Method?
It is possible that your ring is set with other stones, not just diamonds. Now, if you aren’t sure about what stones are set in your ring, you should be careful.
Certain semi-precious stones may shatter if the water is too warm. As such, you need to use lukewarm water for both solutions. To add to this, certain stones may not tolerate the ammonia solution as well.
To be on the safe side, it is best to take your ring to a jeweler to clean if you aren’t certain of the setting. It is better to be safe than sorry after all.
Can You Tackle All Stains on Diamond Rings By Yourself?
If your ring is only mildly cloudy or dirty, then you should be able to clean it up by yourself. If the buildup is more significant, though, it may warrant a professional cleaning.
For instance, if you have cleaned your ring using the above methods but haven’t noticed any difference, then it is best to head over to a jeweler. They have professional tools and machinery that clean heavy stains without causing damage to the ring.
Don’t worry, you will often find that jewelers will provide this service for free. It is best to go to the jeweler that you initially purchased the ring from. If this isn’t possible, head to another reputable jeweler.
How to Prevent Your Ring From Becoming Cloudy
Whenever you aren’t wearing your ring, make sure that it is in its case, tightly shut. This will prevent dust or grime from settling on it.
If you wear your ring often, get into the habit of cleaning it using soap and water fairly regularly. It is also a good idea to take off your ring before doing housework or washing dishes. Remember to always replace the ring in its rightful case when taking it off so that you don’t misplace it.
Your other options is to wear gloves while doing such chores.
How to Clean a Dull Diamond Ring?
Cleaning a diamond ring involves placing the ring in two solutions – the first one is made up of detergent and water and the second one is a diluted ammonia solution; this is followed by a gentle brushing using a toothbrush and then rinsing off the ring.
Additional Tips for Cleaning a Cloudy Diamond Ring
In addition to the steps outlined above here are a few extra tips that can help you clean a cloudy diamond ring more effectively:
– To avoid scratches and damage to the diamond always use a soft-bristled toothbrush when brushing the ring.
– Be careful not to apply too much force or scrub the ring too forcefully as this could dislodge the stone or cause scratches on the metal band.
– Avoid using abrasive chemicals or cleaners that contain bleach chlorine or other corrosive substances.
These can damage the diamond and the metal of the ring.
– When soaking the ring make sure to use warm water instead of hot or scalding water.
Extreme temperatures can cause the diamond to expand or contract leading to potential damage.
– After cleaning give the ring a routine checkup to ensure that all prongs are secure especially in prong-type settings.
Loose or damaged prongs can cause the diamond to become dislodged or lost.
– If you encounter stubborn dirt or grime that is difficult to remove try using a toothpick or a soft lint-free cloth to gently poke and wipe away the residue.
Remember to be gentle to avoid causing any damage to the ring.
Following these additional tips along with the steps mentioned earlier will help ensure that your cloudy diamond ring regains its sparkle and remains in great condition for years to come.