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Apps Like PartyLine

Apps Like PartyLine

PartyLine had a great concept but it wasn’t executed properly and now is defunct. Well, if you want another app that will help you make friends out of strangers both near and far from home, then you are in the right place. Here are all the apps that can help to improve your social life:


This is a great app if you want to meet people near where you live or where you spend most of your time. You can check through hundreds of profiles to discover who is active near you and message them. What is great about this app is that it allows you to find people with similar interests as you.

You can also choose to go live and have people check out what you are doing at the moment. While you are live, you can find people who are also using the app. If you are looking for something a bit more than friends, then there is a dating option available too. The app is fairly popular so you should be able to meet a larger number of people through it.


If you want to meet new people and enjoy social media, then this app is all of this rolled into one! You can set up your profile, make videos, add music, etc. to really give the people around you a closer look into your life. At the same time, you will be able to pinpoint people who live both near and far. You can also get a sneak peek at what is going on in their lives too.

You can choose to have one on one conversations, group chats, or join forums. This means that you get to choose to have as much or as little company as you want. This is yet another app with quite a following so finding friends should be fairly simple.


Do you want more in-depth friendships? Then Friended is the way to get it. One of the great things about this app is that it is more immersive and interactive. So, if you are tired of having those conversations where people just say Hi and leave you alone, Friended can help to improve your experiences.

In this case, you get to add in-depth descriptions about yourself and see who else matches your vibe and personality. You can also get other people to guess things about you and guess things right back. If you feel comfortable with someone then you can also start a video call with them.


This is a great app if you are interested in dating new people. This isn’t just another dating app, though. Instead of having lopsided or uninteresting conversations, Badoo encourages you to really interact with other people. You can connect with other people over shared interests, making it easier to find the right match for you.

At the same time, you also get fun video prompts so that you can really get to know each other but still skip those boring introductions. There is also an option for you to share your mood with others and have them respond, ensuring that both of you are on the same page at that moment. You can even video chat if you feel like things are progressing in the right direction.


Do you want to meet new people but are worried about your safety and privacy? If so, Connected2.Me is the perfect app for you. This is because you get to communicate with people anonymously. It is only if you feel comfortable with them that you can exchange your name and other details. Otherwise, you can shut the conversation down and move on.

The app also has a Shuffle feature so that you can keep switching out matches. This means that you are getting constant access to new people, reducing the risk that you will get bored with the app.


These are all the apps that can help you to find exactly what you are looking for whether it is friends and dating. You will be able to continuously meet new people while simultaneously exploring new parts of the world and gaining new perspectives. Go ahead and download any of these apps for a brand new experience each and every time.