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How to Clean a Cloudy Diamond Ring

clean cloudy diamond ring

Has your diamond ring lost its sparkle over the years? The good news is that you may be able to restore it to its former glory by yourself!

Take a look at these guidelines and other hints to find out how to manage this task at home:

How Can You Restore a Dull Diamond Ring?

You can clean a cloudy diamond ring using soap and water or a stronger ammonia-based solution, depending on how dirty the ring is. Always try the gentler method before moving onto the other to ensure that you treat your diamond ring as carefully as possible.

Cleaning a Diamond Ring with Soap and Water

This method will work if your ring has a little bit of grime on it. Even if the buildup is significant, it is best to start of with just soap and water first. At the very least, this will dislodge some of the dirt, making it easier for you to remove later.

If you are cleaning the ring in your sink, make sure to use a stopper beforehand. This reduces the risk of your ring accidentally being washed down the drain.

Next, fill a bowl with warm – not hot – water. Add several drops of dishwashing liquid to the water, just enough to make it soapy. Mix well so that the soap is thoroughly dissolved in the water.

Place the ring in this solution and leave it for five to ten minutes. Then, remove it. If there is only mild buildup on your ring, you can ring to gently clean off with the dirt using a toothbrush.

Otherwise, move onto the following step, but don’t discard the solution.

How to Clean a Diamond with an Ammonia-Based Solution

Fill a second bowl with warm water. This time around, though, add a few drops of an ammonia-based glass cleaning solution. Make sure that there isn’t any bleach in the product beforehand.

Drop the ring inside the solution. Let it sit for up to five minutes. Wear a pair of gloves when removing the ring from glass.

Then, use a toothbrush to gently scrub the diamond with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Carefully clean all sides. If the diamond is in a prong setting, you need to make certain that the bristles of the brush don’t get caught in the side.

If it does, don’t pull too hard or you could end up dislodging the stone. Instead, use a toothpick to try and get the bristle out of where it is stuck.

Once you have brushed the stone, place it back in the soap and water solution. Continue to brush the stone in the bowl. Most of the grime should wash out.

Next, hold the ring under running water. As mentioned, stopper up the sink first.

Use a clean, lint-free cloth to wipe the diamond and ring carefully. Don’t skip this step – if the ring airdries, there is a chance that watermarks will be left behind. This will compromise the sparkle of the ring.

What Type of Chemicals Can You Use to Clean a Diamond Ring?

Make sure to always use the mildest possible detergents when cleaning your diamond rings. This is especially true with the ammonia solution. As mentioned, make sure that there is no bleach or similar chemicals.

Contrary to what you may have heard, vinegar, witch hazel, and other ingredients with bleaching capabilities are similarly bad for your ring.

Diamonds are strong and can withstand most components or conditions. However, certain chemicals can react with the metal in your band. In doing so, it will tarnish or damage the finish on the ring.

If the damage is significant enough, then you may need to replace the band. As such, it is better to proceed carefully when cleaning the ring.

Should You Clean Rings with Mixed Stones Using the Same Method?

It is possible that your ring is set with other stones, not just diamonds. Now, if you aren’t sure about what stones are set in your ring, you should be careful.

Certain semi-precious stones may shatter if the water is too warm. As such, you need to use lukewarm water for both solutions. To add to this, certain stones may not tolerate the ammonia solution as well.

To be on the safe side, it is best to take your ring to a jeweler to clean if you aren’t certain of the setting. It is better to be safe than sorry after all.

Can You Tackle All Stains on Diamond Rings By Yourself?

If your ring is only mildly cloudy or dirty, then you should be able to clean it up by yourself. If the buildup is more significant, though, it may warrant a professional cleaning.

For instance, if you have cleaned your ring using the above methods but haven’t noticed any difference, then it is best to head over to a jeweler. They have professional tools and machinery that clean heavy stains without causing damage to the ring.

Don’t worry, you will often find that jewelers will provide this service for free. It is best to go to the jeweler that you initially purchased the ring from. If this isn’t possible, head to another reputable jeweler.

How to Prevent Your Ring From Becoming Cloudy

Whenever you aren’t wearing your ring, make sure that it is in its case, tightly shut. This will prevent dust or grime from settling on it.

If you wear your ring often, get into the habit of cleaning it using soap and water fairly regularly. It is also a good idea to take off your ring before doing housework or washing dishes. Remember to always replace the ring in its rightful case when taking it off so that you don’t misplace it.

Your other options is to wear gloves while doing such chores.

How to Clean a Dull Diamond Ring?

Cleaning a diamond ring involves placing the ring in two solutions – the first one is made up of detergent and water and the second one is a diluted ammonia solution; this is followed by a gentle brushing using a toothbrush and then rinsing off the ring.

Additional Tips for Cleaning a Cloudy Diamond Ring

In addition to the steps outlined above here are a few extra tips that can help you clean a cloudy diamond ring more effectively:
– To avoid scratches and damage to the diamond always use a soft-bristled toothbrush when brushing the ring.
– Be careful not to apply too much force or scrub the ring too forcefully as this could dislodge the stone or cause scratches on the metal band.
– Avoid using abrasive chemicals or cleaners that contain bleach chlorine or other corrosive substances.
These can damage the diamond and the metal of the ring.
– When soaking the ring make sure to use warm water instead of hot or scalding water.
Extreme temperatures can cause the diamond to expand or contract leading to potential damage.
– After cleaning give the ring a routine checkup to ensure that all prongs are secure especially in prong-type settings.
Loose or damaged prongs can cause the diamond to become dislodged or lost.
– If you encounter stubborn dirt or grime that is difficult to remove try using a toothpick or a soft lint-free cloth to gently poke and wipe away the residue.
Remember to be gentle to avoid causing any damage to the ring.
Following these additional tips along with the steps mentioned earlier will help ensure that your cloudy diamond ring regains its sparkle and remains in great condition for years to come.

Types of Belly Buttons That Can’t Be Pierced

Types of Belly Buttons That Can’t Be Pierced

Belly button piercings can be gorgeous adornments, but you may be awarae that not everyone can get one. Before you head to your piercer, it is a good idea to figure out whether or not your type of navel is suitable for piercing.

Here is your guide to the types of belly buttons and which ones can and can’t be pierced:

What Type of Belly Button Can’t Be Pierced?

The most common type of belly button that can’t be pierced is known as an outie – the shape of the belly button can interfere with the healing process – however your piercer will have to examine the region before they will decide whether or not it can be pierced.

Why Can’t an Outie Belly Button Be Pierced?

Technically, an outie belly button can be pierced, but most piercers will not do this.

This is because with an outie belly button, much of the navel area is occupied by a lump of flesh. This is residual scarring from the umbilical cord.

As there isn’t much room in the navel, it can be difficult for the piercing to heal properly. Not only is it likely to take a lot longer, the rate of infection is quite high with an outie belly button.

To make matters worse, there is a risk of the infection traveling to internal organs in that region. It is due to this that few, if any piercers, will allow an outie to be pierced.

Are All Outies Too Dangerous to Be Pierced?

Contrary to what people believe not all outies are the same. In some instances, the lump of skin in the navel is quite significant, occupying nearly all the space. These can’t be pierced.

On the other hand, some outies aren’t that noticeable. The tissue inside the navel may be less. Or, the belly button may be some combination of an outie and an innie. Here, there may be enough space between the upper portion of the navel and the outie to pierce.

Once again, though, it will be up to your piercer to decide whether or not it is possible. They will need to examine your navel before making a decision.

Can All Other Types OF Belly Buttons Be Pierced?

Many people don’t realize that there aren’t just two types of belly buttons. Innie belly buttons can be broken down into other classifications – deep hollow, horizontal, vertical, round, and hollow.

In order for a navel piercing to take, there has to be enough of flesh on the upper portion of the navel for the piercer to pierce. Think of this area as a lip. If it isn’t prominent enough, then the risk of migration or even rejection will be high.

Your piercer will also have to look at the surrounding area of the navel to determine whether or not it will allow for proper healing. If it looks like there may be an increased risk of infection, the piercer will not go through with it.

Can You Pierce Your Bottom Lip Instead?

The most common navel piercing is where the top lip is pierced. In some instances, though, you can pierce the bottom lip.

Now, if there isn’t enough flesh on the top lip, can you pierce the bottom one? Well, tis does depend on how your belly button is shaped.

In most cases, there simply isn’t enough flesh there which is why piercers will not pierce this area. The risk of migration or rejection is too high.

If this is something that you are considering, however, make sure to check with your piercer before moving forward.

Should You Override Your Piercer’s Advice and Get a Piercing?

Now, if you really want a belly button piercing, it can be tempting to ignore professional advice and simply find a piercer that will do it for you regardless.

This isn’t a risk that you should take, though. For one thing, if an infection does set in, it can spread quickly and to important organs. Treatment cane tricky and you have to contend with the fact that some damage may be permanent.

The other reason that you should heed your piercer’s warnings is because in general, belly button piercings can take up to a year to heal. This area isn’t very vascular and there aren’t too many blood vessels nourishing the area, slowing down the healing process.

After going through all this trouble, you may find that the piercing still won’t take and you will have to remove it. This means that you will have to go through a year’s trouble and pain and have nothing to show for it.

Which Kind of Belly Button Can’t Be Pierced?

Outies are the main type of belly button that can’t be pierced but this doesn’t necessarily mean that an innie can be pierced either – a piercer will have to examine the shape and size of your navel to determine whether it is safe for piercing or not.

Spiritual Meaning of Nose Piercing

Spiritual Meaning of Nose Piercing

Want to get a nose piercing and wondering if there is a spiritual meaning behind it? Well, it is important to fully understand the implication of this body modification beforehand.

Here, you can discover the full extent of the spiritual meaning of a nose piercing:

Is There a Spiritual Meaning Behind the Nose Piercing?

Every culture wears a nose piercing for a different meaning but in Indian culture, a woman with a nose piercing often has one as a sign of devotion to Parvati, the goddess of marriage – a more personal spiritual meaning could be independence.

What is the Spiritual Meaning of Piercing Your Right Nostril?

At least in Indian culture, isn’t a special meaning for either nostril. Thus, women can choose to pierce their left or right one. It is more commonplace to pierce the right nostril, however.

In terms of spirituality, the right nostril is pierced when a woman attains marrying age. As such, it can be an indication of a girl becoming a woman. In some cases, it is done right before a woman gets married.

The piercing is a sign of commitment to Parvati – she is the goddess of marriage. However, she is more than that and is considered a representation of femininity, love, and devotion.

As such, having your right nostril pierced can be a spiritual sign to take on the qualities that are most important to Parvati. It could be a symbol of how you choose to make love and commitment a major focus in your life.

It should also be noted that some religious texts presume that Parvati took on the form of the warrior goddess Durga to defeat her enemies. Thus, a nose piercing as a sign of devotion to Parvati could also indicate accessing all elements of yourself as a woman.

What is the Spiritual Significance of Piercing Your Left Nostril?

The left nostril is typically associated with the female reproductive system. Many women will get this nostril pierce to get rid of menstrual cramps, menstrual disorders, and to even reduce the pain of childbirth.

Although there is no specific spiritual symbolism behind piercing the left side of your nose,it can be used as a way to signify sexuality, commitment to motherhood, or something similar that is related to reproduction.

What Religions are Nose Piercings Associated With?

It is presumed that this practice began in Africa or in a region that is now known as the Middle East. Even today, you can find warriors with such piercings.

Even thousands of years ago, though, the nose ring was associated with marriage. One of the earliest texts to mention nose rings is the bible. It was given as a betrothal gift. Due to this, it does have spiritual significance in Christianity, although only mentioned in the Old Testament.

As mentioned, it continues to have a strong link in Hinduism which is why you will find quite so many women in the country with one.

You may even see women in Nepal with a nose piercing, although it is a largely Buddhist country. There doesn’t appear to be any spiritual link between Buddhism and nose piercings.

The Western Spiritual Meaning of a Nose Piercing

With the rise of the Bohemian culture in the west, there was also an increase in the number of people who began wearing nose rings.

Many of these individuals don’t have a direct tie to Hinduism and has such don’t have a spiritual connection in this sense. They may be devoted followers of yoga or certain Indian principles. Their nose ring may be a symbol of that.

There are also those that may live their life according to Hindu principles, allow they may not identify themselves as being proper practitioners. Once again, the nose ring may be a symbol of their devotion to even a small portion of the religion.

For those who make up their own spiritual rules, nose piercings may be about a sense of freedom. Although they can be considered mainstream by today’s standards, they can still be frowned upon.

As such, some people may wear them in defiance of social norms.

Is There a Special Spiritual Meaning for Men with Nose Piercings?

When it comes to the spiritual element of nose piercings, these are typically associated with women. This is especially true for a piercing in the left nostril.

It is possible for men to wear a nose ring in their right nostril as a sign of love or devotion, however. More often than not, men wear nose rings as a fashion statement or as a sign of a more liberated lifestyle.

Should You Get a Nose Piercing as a Sign of Spirituality?

This is an entirely personal decision. I you feel like a nose piercing helps you to either remember or depict a certain element of your spirituality, then you should certainly get a piercing.

Even if you don’t associate with spirituality, though, you can still get this type of piercing.

What is the Spiritual Meaning of a Nose Piercing?

The most common spiritual meaning associated with a nose piercing is that of love, devotion, and marriage  although it can also indicate fertility or feminine divinity in some instances – in Western cultures it is associated with independence.

How Much Does It Cost to Set a Diamond?

how to reset diamond

There are many reasons that you may need to mount a diamond. Perhaps your old setting was damaged, you are replacing your diamond, or you are in the mood for a ring upgrade.

Well, regardless of what the reason is, here is a guide to how much this may cost you:

How Much Does It Cost to Mount a Diamond?

On average, setting or re-setting a diamond in a ring can cost between $50 and $300, although it may be as much as $500 in certain cases. If the setting or the band is quite intricate, you may have to spend $1000 or more, but this is quite rare.

Here are some of the factors that can determine the overall cost of the process:

Type of Setting

There are more ring setting types that people realize. The prong setting is the most common style, but you can find anything ranging from pave and bezel to cathedral.

Some settings such as the prong setting are fairly easy to work with. As such, they will often cost less. If the setting is more intricate or delicate, though, the process will be more labor intensive and may even require special skills or tools.

Therefore, you will be required to pay more.

Stock vs. Custom Setting

Do you have a custom designed ring? If so, there is a high probability that the setting is custom made as well.

Now, most jewelers are familiar with stock settings. As such, they know just how to work the surrounding metal elements and to get the mount to fit the diamond.

In the case of custom settings, though, the jeweler has to first become accustomed to the new design and determine if they need to use a special technique to work the surrounding metal. Such a task may take more time, skill, and money.

Mounting Size

Are you setting a new diamond into an old ring or vice versa? If so, there is a chance that the diamond may not fit the setting of the ring.

In this instance, the jeweler will have to rework the metal setting so that it fits the diamond perfectly. This can be especially tricky if the surrounding setting is delicate or if the design is intricate.

It can take special skill to set a larger diamond. This is because, unlike with a smaller diamond, the metal doesn’t have to just provide a tighter fit. Instead, the setting must be re-worked to suit the shape and size of the larger diamond.

In certain cases, more metal may have to be added to the setting to make room for the diamond. As this requires more work, the cost will naturally be higher.

On the other hand, if the diamond is a near or perfect fit, then you will not have to pay all that much.

The Metal of the Band

Rings can be made from a variety of metals – silver, gold, platinum, titanium, etc. Each of these metals have their own value. Some, like silver are cheaper and others such as platinum are more expensive.

As previously mentioned, it is possible that the setting may need to have metal added to it. Or, the band itself may need to be altered in some way to fit the setting or diamond.

In this case, the price of the metal will come into play. The jeweler will inform you of the current market value of the metal and you will need to pay this based on how much metal will needed to be added to the band or setting.

Some rings may also be more difficult to manipulate or alter. If the jeweler has to make a greater effort, then they will charge you a higher price.

The Condition of the Setting

The condition of the setting also needs to be taken into consideration. It isn’t uncommon for settings to become damaged or to even lose a prong.

If the damage is mild, the setting can simply be repaired. Keep in mind that this will still cost more than just placing the diamond in the setting.

If the damage is significant enough, then the entire setting may need to be replaced or altered in some manner. It is possible that you may even need a new ring. Thus, this will cost you a lot more money.

The Jeweler

The jeweler can be an important factor as well. If you go to the jeweler who originally designed or set the ring, then you may find that the price is lower.

These individuals are more familiar with the design and will be able to replace it more quickly. If the ring is still under warranty, the service may even be free.

If you go to another jeweler, though, the cost may be higher. This is because they may offer the re-setting as an entirely separate service and charge it as such.

The renown or the capability of the jeweler can come into play here as well. A better known jeweler or one who is quite skilled will naturally cost more.

It is always a good idea to choose a good jeweler for such a task, however, even if it may cost you more money. After all, these can require a great level of skill and you need to make sure that neither the diamond nor the ring is damaged in the process.

Other Factors That May Impact Price

Remember, the quoted price range for this article is based on the assumption that you already have both the diamond or the ring.

If you are buying a new diamond, new band, or adding additional stones to the setting, then naturally the cost will be much higher. The price quoted to you will depend on diamond clarity, other stones you wish to add, intricacy of the design, and the type of metal.

How Much Does It Cost to Fit a Diamond in a Setting?

The cost to fit a diamond in a setting can vary depending on various factors. One such factor is the bench’s responsibility. In some cases the bench may take on the liability issue and have a liability policy in place. This can increase the cost of the service. Another factor is the type of metal used for the setting. Platinum is a more expensive metal compared to white gold or 14K gold so the cost may be higher for platinum settings. The availability of the setting can also affect the cost. Some unique or rare settings may cost more due to their limited availability. Additionally the workload and waiting times can impact the cost. Some jewelers may charge higher prices for faster delivery time frames. It is important to consider all of these aspects when determining the overall cost of fitting a diamond in a setting.

Corkscrew Nose Ring Won’t Go In

Corkscrew Nose Ring Won't Go In

If you are having trouble with your corkscrew nose ring, you certainly aren’t the only one. This is a relatively new type of stud and a lot of people struggle with it, particularly in the beginning.

Here is your guide on what to do if your corkscrew nose ring won’t go in:

What Should You Do If Your Corkscrew Nose Ring Won’t Go In

You should start by cleaning out the piercing to remove any obstruction and to then to try again, using your non-dominant hand as a guide inside your nostril to know where to place the bar – inch in the bar little by little to avoid moving away from the piercing site.

Why Isn’t Your Corkscrew Nose Ring Going In?

One of the reasons that your nose ring may not be going in is because the piercing has crusted over. Or, there could be some other kind of blockage at the piercing site. You will need to clear this up before trying to get the nose ring in.

Start by washing your hands with soap and water. Next, use a cotton bud dipped in saline water to gently rub at the piercing site. Do this at both ends of the piercing. Be gentle but continue until you are sure the piercing site is free.

If the bar of the corkscrew nose ring seems to be a bit thick, you may want to consider a slimmer option. You could be having trouble because the bar is too thick to pass through.

If it has been a while since you have placed a stud or ring in the piercing, it is possible that the hole may have closed over. This is something that you should get your piercer to check.

The other reason could be that you aren’t getting the ring in at the right angle. If so, you can find the instructions for getting the nose ring in, below…

How to Get Your Corkscrew Nose Ring In

Use your dominant hand to slip the curved portion of the nose ring in. At this point, don’t attempt to push it in any further.

Next, take your other hand and press it against the other end of the piercing, inside your nostril. This hand will serve as a guide, showing you which direction to push the nose ring through.

Once you can feel the bar with your non-dominant hand, it is time to simultaneously push the bar through while turning it at an angle. This should help to get the curved end of the ring through your nose.

What If You Still Can’t Get It In?

If you are still having trouble, it is best to leave the ring out of your nose for now. If you use too much pressure or force, you could end up injuring yourself at the piercing site.

It may be time to think about getting a different type of nose ring at this point. As mentioned, you don’t want to have to apply too much force every time you want to get the ring in.

A traditional flat back stud may be a better option for you. You can choose from a threaded or threadless version, depending on which one you find easier to work.

Your other option would be to go to your piercer as they can help you out here. They may also be able to show you what you were doing wrong and provide you with the proper instructions.

If you are still finding it difficult after your piercer’s instructions, then you should consider a different design.

What If the Piercing Has Closed?

If you have kept your nose ring out of your piercing for a while, it may have closed up. This is more likely to happen with new piercings. In this case, you will need to speak with your piercer.

They may want to wait until the piercing has fully healed up before you try to pierce that spot again. Your piercer may advise against this, depending on your situation.

Your other option may include piercing your other nostril as an alternative.

How to Deal with a Corkscrew Nose Ring That Won’t Go In?

You will need to start off by clearing the piercing site of any obstructions or build up – after this, you will need to maneuver the ring in, using your non-dominant hand at the other end of the piercing to guide the way.

How to Take Out Nose Stud With Flat Back?

How to Take Out Nose Stud With Flat Back

Like most people, you are probably more familiar with a round back stud. Thus, if you need to remove a nose stud with a flat back, you may find yourself struggling a bit.

In this case, here are all the guidelines that you need to get the job done.

How Can You Remove a Nose Stud with a Flat Back?

Depending on the style of jewelry, the nose stud can be removed by either unscrewing one end of the stud from the other by pulling apart and separating the stud from the bar – it is important to use as little force as possible during the process.

How to Remove a Threaded Nose Stud?

With these types of nose studs, the jewel or stud screws into the bar section. Before you attempt to remove your stud, first wash your hands with soap and water or sanitize them. Make sure your hands are dry so that they don’t slip when you attempt to take the stud out.

Now, your hand on the opposite side of your nostril with the piercing will hold the back of the stud in place. This means that if your stud is in your right nostril, your left hand will hold the stud. You will need to fit one or more fingers inside your nostril for this.

Once the stud is held in place, use your other hand to twist the jewel or the stud in a counter clockwise motion. This means turn the stud towards the left hand side. The jewel should begin to move in a circular motion.

As you continue this motion, lift the stud upwards. If you find this difficult to do with just one hand, then wait until you are sure that the stud is completely unscrewed and then pull the jewel upwards or pull both sections apart.

How to Remove a Threadless Nose Stud?

With this type of stud, the jewel or stud is attached to a bar and this bar is fitted inside the bar that is attached to the flat back.

Due to this, you should be able to remove the pieces with a simple pulling motion. Take the hand opposite the nostril that is pierced and hold onto the base. You can use tweezers instead but make sure to sanitize them first.

Then, grasp the jewel and the flat back apart. Remember to do this gently. If the stud appears to be stuck, then twist it around a bit before pulling it apart.

Can You Remove a Flat Back Nose Stud By Yourself?

You should be able to do this by yourself. However, if your nostril piercing is relatively new or if the two pieces appear to be stuck together, then it is a good idea to get some help.

You may find it easier to simply hold the flat back in place while someone else unscrews the top portion or pulls it apart.

If you are getting someone else to help, be aware of the pressure or force against your nostril. If it hurts or the pressure is too great, tell the person is assisting you. The last thing that you need is to get hurt during the process.

What if the Flat Back Stud is Stuck?

Unless one portion has been damaged during the process of getting the stud in, it is unlikely that the stud is stuck. Still, you may be having trouble getting the two pieces apart.

If the stud or the bar feels slick to the touch, wipe it off first. Make sure your hands are dry as well.

Make sure that you are in a well lit area and can see what you are doing. It may be helpful for someone to shine a light up your nostril to make sure that you that the right steps are being taken.

Some people do find it easier to use tweezers as they can get a better grip inside your nostril than your fingers can. Be careful when doing this as you don’t want to accidentally grab the sensitive skin inside your nose.

Carefully trying unscrewing or pulling the stud apart once more. Stop if it feels like your nostril feels sore or if the piercing is painful. If you aren’t careful, you could end up causing irritation at the area, causing swelling. This can make it even more difficult to remove the stud.

When Should You Visit Your Piercer?

Don’t wait until the situation is too bad to go see your piercer. If you and your friends have tried a couple of times and it appears to be stuck then it is time to call in the professionals.

Not only will they be able to remove it without causing irritation to the site, they will also show you the right method for future use.

How to Remove a Flat Back Nose Stud?

To remove this type of stud, you can either unscrew one end while holding the other part still – if it is a threadless stud, though, you can pull the jewel portion upwards and outwards – if you are having trouble, make sure to ask a professional for help.

Additional Tips for Removing a Nose Stud with a Flat Back

If you’re struggling to remove a nose stud with a flat back here are a few additional tips that may help.

First try applying a small amount of Vaseline or another lubricant around the hole and on the flat back of the stud.

This can help reduce friction and make it easier to slide the stud out.

Another trick is to gently wiggle the stud back and forth while pulling it out as this can help loosen it from the hole.

If all else fails it’s best to visit a professional piercer who can safely remove the stud without causing any damage or discomfort.

Remember it’s important to be patient and gentle when removing a nose stud to avoid any complications or injuries.

What Color Jewelry Goes with a Green Dress?

jewelry for green dress

You have the perfect dress and are now trying to find the right accessories. Well, your struggle will soon be over. This is the article that will help you find the perfectly hued dress for the occasion.

You will be able to determine which factors to consider and find jewelry that is suited not just to your dress but to you as well.

What Color Jewelry Works Best with a Green Dress?

Gold, silver, and even colored jewelry such as white, red, blue, and black can all work with a green dress. To make a proper decision you must also consider the shade of the dress, the undertones, your own skin tone, and much more.

Is Gold or Silver Better with a Green Dress?

Both gold and silver work equally well with green. In fact, you will find that even copper complements this shade beautifully. This is because it is such a versatile color.

Unfortunately, it is this versatility that can make it so difficult to figure out what color jewelry to wear with your dress. Therefore, you must consider a variety of factors before deciding the best color for you and your dress.

These will be discussed below:

Consider Colored Jewelry

Of course, jewelry isn’t just divided into gold and silver. It is becoming increasingly common to wear costume jewelry, even to formal functions.

In this case, you have different colored ribbons, stones, and various other components to choose from and play around with. The following sections will give you a better idea of what colors to opt for based on various factors…

Jewelry for a Light Green Dress

Now, light green isn’t quite as versatile as dark green, but there are plenty of jewelry color options for you to select from, nonetheless. Before you make your decision, you should consider whether you want to choose pieces that blend in or stand out from your dress.

If you are looking for a statement piece, then choose rose gold jewelry or something that has undertones of pink and red. Want something that will match what you are wearing? Silver, light white, or green is the way to go.

In case you are wearing something like a mint green dress, the shade is already garnering quite a bit of attention. As such, the last thing that you want is for your jewelry to either be just as distracting or to clash with the dress.

Thus, understated is usually the way to go with such hues. You may find that wearing a green the same shade as your dress or opting for a darker green may strike the right balance.

Jewelry for a Dark Green Dress

As mentioned, dark green jewelry is a lot easier to match with. If you are looking for elegant, then gold and silver is a sure bet. White gold and rose gold are lovely options as well.

If your dress is a deep emerald or forest green, then emerald hued jewelry can be quite beautiful. Just make sure that there is some silver or white gold in the jewelry to add some balance and variation.

If you don’t mind standing out a bit more or if the event is more casual, white is a gorgeous accompaniment. A deep, ruby red, black, and even purple work incredibly well and are certainly worth a try.

In case you would rather stand out or don’t mind a bit of contrast, then yellow adds a pop of color while still complementing the deeper tones of the green. Sapphire blue is a bit more understated but still works to liven your outfit up.

Matching the Undertones of Your Dress

If you want to take your jewelry matching to a professional level, then you should consider the undertones of your dress. Even though green is a primary color, it can be still made up of undertones.

To discover these, you need to take a closer look at your dress, preferably under both natural and artificial light. This will make it easier to see the different hues mixed in.

If the dress in question has yellow-ish notes, then it is considered a warm undertone. This can be matched with gold, rose gold, copper, and even bronze. Essentially, darker warmer colored jewelry.

In case you see blue notes, though, the dress has a cool undertone. This means that silver, white gold, and white will offset these undertones best.

Matching Your Skin Tone

It isn’t just the dress that you have to match, though. You also must make sure that the dress matches your skin tone as well. Like with your dress, skin tone has undertones as well. Thus, you must pay attention to these too.

The good news is that you may have unconsciously matched the dress to your undertones. If the dress matches rather than clashes with your complexion, then you are on the right track.

Still, it is important to be aware of your undertones. To do this, move to a window and hold your wrist up to the light. Blue veins are a sign of a cool undertone, while green veins are for warm ones. If your veins are neither hue, then you have a neutral undertone.

For cool undertones, opt for cool colors – silver, white, white gold, etc. For warm undertones, gold, bronze, and copper are your best options.

Consider the Season

To have all your bases covered, it can help to think of the current season as well. Silver, white, and white gold are better suited to winter or even spring. In case you want to warm things up, then look for the warmer golds.

During summer and fall, warm tones and warm jewelry will blend in better. This includes gold, rose gold, etc.

What Jewelry Color Matches with a Green Dress?

Silver, gold, white, green, blue, and red are also suitable options for a green dress but you must also consider other factors such as the shade of the dress, the undertones, your complexion, and even the season before you can make the right decision.

What Does a Nose Ring Mean Sexually?

What Does a Nose Ring Mean Sexually

If you have done any kind of research into getting a nose ring, you may have heard some stories or rumors about it being a sign of sexuality. In this case, you may be wondering if there is any truth to this.

Here, you can take a closer look at the meaning behind a nose ring and whether or not this adornment is the right option for you!

Is There a Sexual Meaning Behind a Nose Ring?

The original interpretation of a nose ring was that it indicated a married woman – however, in the West, the nose ring has been adopted as a sign of queer identity and can be a marker of sexual identity – it can have no meaning beyond a fashion statement as well.

Understanding the Original Meaning of Nose Piercings

The nose ring has long and rich history – it is believed that the tradition began in Africa and the Middle East before moving onto India. It is now largely associated with the subcontinent.

In India, the nose ring can be associated with sexuality, but only in the way to indicate that a young woman has achieved sexual maturity. It can also be used to signify virginity. This piercing is typically only given to women who are about to be married.

The piercing takes place in the presence of other female members of the family. On a woman’s wedding day, she wears a large nose ring that is linked by a chain to other jewelry. This is a sign of devotion to Parvati, the goddess of marriage.

For this purpose, the nose ring is typically placed in the right nostril. Some people do believe that having the piercing in the left nostril can help to cure or alleviate menstrual ailments. This is typically done in older women, however.

The Co-opting of the Nose Ring by the LGBTQIA+ Community

Over the years, the nose ring began appearing in Western cultures. Here, it was seen as a bohemian accessory – a symbol of living freely and against societal norms.

This is probably one of the reasons that the nose ring was coopted by the LGBTQIA+ community. Both queer women and men as well as non-binary individuals began increasingly wearing nose rings. Thus, some people assumed that it was a signal for somebody’s sexual identity.

In particular, some people assumed that wearing a nose ring in one nostril over the other indicated their sexuality.

Now, at one point in history, this may have been true. Members of the LGBTQIA+ community had to be careful of who they revealed themselves to as the punishment could be imprisonment or even worse. In very strict countries today, this code may still be upheld.

For the most part, though, this isn’t true any longer as most people will not identify their sexuality in such a manner. Of course, there are many people who may associate their piercings or even body art with their queer identity.

Is a Man Wearing a Nose Ring a Sign of Queer Identity?

Traditionally, a nose ring has been a female adornment. Thus, a man wearing a nose ring was seen as an indicator of femininity and, as such, they were presumed to be queer.

Of course, such notions are now a thing of the past and you are just as likely to find a man wearing a nose ring as a women. Due to this, it can be difficult to judge a man’s sexuality solely based on

What Would It Mean If I Got a Nose Ring?

It doesn’t matter if you want to advertise your sexuality or not, getting a nose ring – in either nostril won’t mean something. This is especially true as this piercing is becoming increasingly popular around the world.

Most people will either see it as an accessory. You are far more likely to be mistaken for an artist or a similarly creative individual rather than people assuming that you are a member on f the LGBTQIA+ community.

At the same time, if you do want to wear a nose ring as a sign of sexuality, you absolutely can. You should automatically imagine that people are going to consider it a symbol of your sexuality, however.

Does a Nose Ring Indicate Sexuality?

No, a nose ring doesn’t indicate sexuality – it is typically worn by South Asian women as a sign of marriage but it can be considered a fashion statement or even be used as an identifier of sexuality, depending on the individual.

Bridge Piercing with Glasses

Bridge Piercing with Glasses

Do you wear glasses but have been longing for a bridge piercing for a while? If so, you are in the right place! This is your guide to having a bridge piercing and wearing glasses at the same time.

From whether or not it is possible to what you should know about wearing glasses with this type of piercing, it’s all covered here:

Is It Possible to Have a Bridge Piercing If You Wear Glasses?

Yes, it is possible to have a bridge piercing if you wear glasses but you do need to consider where on the bridge of your nose you wear them, how long you wear them for, and the type of frame of your glasses.

Is Wearing Glasses with a Bridge Piercing Comfortable?

Well, this depends on a couple of factors. To begin with, you should consider where you wear your glasses on the bridge of your nose.

The position is different for each person – some push their glasses way – up as close to their eyes as possible. In this case, a bridge piercing may not be very comfortable as the position of the piercing will interfere with where you like your glasses to sit.

On the other hand, if your glasses sit lower down on your nose – closer to the middle, then this will not be such an issue. There will be an adequate amount of space between the piercing and the frames.

The other thing that you should consider is how long you wear your glasses each day. In some cases you may only need to wear them a few hours – when you are reading or looking at things up close. Or, you may have to wear them all day long.

It may be more comfortable if you only have to wear your glasses occasionally. If you wear your glasses higher up your nose and need to wear them for over twelve hours at a time, this may irritate your piercing.

Can You Wear Glasses While Your Bridge Piercing is Healing?

Contrary to what it may appear, a bridge piercing is actually a surface piercing. Due to this, there is a higher chance of rejection.

Thus, while your piercing is healing, it is best to gentle as possible with the site and to reduce the risk of irritation. This includes having glasses near the area.

Now, this does not mean that you shouldn’t get a bridge piercing if you wear glasses. Instead, you may want to consider wearing contact lenses until the piercing is fully healed.

This type of piercing can take anywhere from two to three months to fully heal. As such, you will not need to wear the contact lenses for too long. Once the risk of rejection has passed, you can go back to wearing your glasses.

What Kind of Frames Should You Get With a Bridge Piercing?

There are two types of frames – the ones where the frames sit directly on your nose and those that have plastic pads resting on your nose instead.

Once again, it does depend on your personal preference as well as where your glasses sit on your nose. However, you may want to consider getting frames with nose pads fitted on them.

This is because the nose pads make it easier to adjust the position of your glasses and can also prevent slipping. As such, you can ensure that the glass remain lower down on your nose, preventing the frames from making contact with the piercing.

Should You Get a Bridge Piercing If You Wear Glasses?

This is something that only you can decide. You should know that a bridge piercing isn’t as visible when you wear glasses. As such, if you want to show off your piercing, it is going to be a bit tricky and you may want to switch to contact lenses.

There are many people who appreciate the fact that their glasses hide their piercing, at least for a portion of the day. If you go to school or work where there is a strict dress code and facial piercings aren’t tolerated, then the glasses can help to hide the piercing.

In the above instance, your glasses are going to be a great way for you to get away with keeping your piercing all day long.

Keep in mind that there are plenty of people who manage to wear glasses and have a bridge piercing. It may take a while for you to find a position or glass frames that you are comfortable with, but you should be able to enjoy the best of both worlds soon enough.

Can You Wear Glasses with a Bridge Piercing?

It is possible for you to wear glasses and have a bridge piercing but you have to consider various factors first – these include how far up on your nose you wear your glasses, what kind of frames you have, how visible you want your piercing to be, and more.

What is an Austin Bar Piercing?

What is an Austin Bar Piercing

Are you learning about all the different types of nasal and nostril piercings and trying to figure out which one is for you? If so, you may have heard of the unusual Austin bar piercing and wondering what it is all about.

You can discover just what to expect with this type of piercing here:

What Does an Austin Bar Piercing Look Like?

This is a piercing that goes through the tip of the nose – unlike other nose piercings, this one doesn’t go through the nostrils or the septum but rather is placed through the nasal cap – a barbell is used for this type of piercing.

How is the Austin Bar Piercing Performed?

Despite the fact that this piercing is quite unusual, it is performed with a standard piercing needle. The piercing will make a note of the entry and exit holes. They will ensure that they are level to one another.

The artist will double check the position and placement with you. I you are satisfied, then they will proceed with the piercing.

How Long Does the Austin Bar Take to Heal?

On average, it can between three and six months for this type of piercing to heal. It is unusual for it to take longer than this to heal.

As with any other piercing, after care is important. You will likely need to use some kind of cleaning or disinfecting product for the first few weeks. Until the piercing is fully healed, you will also need to wash your hands before touching or handling the site.

Austin Bar vs. Nasallang – What is the Difference?

It is quite easy to mistake an Austin bar piercing for a nasallang and vice versa. At a glance, they can look quite similar to one another.

The main difference, though, is that a nasallang sits higher up on the bridge of the nose. Here, the piercing goes through the septum and sits inside the nasal cavities.

How Common is the Austin Bar?

This is one of the rarer forms of nasal piercings and it is quite difficult to find people with it. This probably has to do with the unusual positioning of the piercing. Due to how uncommon it is, it can be difficult to find piercers who are willing to undertake this procedure.

How Much Does the Austin Bar Piercing Hurt?

If you go to a professional, then the pain should be minimal. However, you should be aware that there is a great deal of skin and flesh at the site of this piercing. Thus, the needle has to push through a thicker surface. This can cause the piercing to hurt more.

Of course, piercing pain is subjective. Some individuals may feel a great deal while others will not notice the sensation as much.

Are There Any Risks Associated with an Austin Bar Piercing?

Due to the placement of the piercing, there may be a higher chance of rejection or migration. Of course, this isn’t a guarantee but if you have previously experienced either rejection or migration, it is something that you are going to need to watch out for.

It is important to keep a close eye on your piercing – it can take weeks or even longer to notice whether or not the piercing is migrating.

If you do notice any changes in the placement, then it is best to speak to your piercer and have the barbell removed. This is because there isn’t anything that you can really do about migration.

An experienced piercer will hopefully be able to situate the piercing so that this will not happen, but such movement is still a possibility. If you do remove the piercing, make sure it is fully healed before talking about whether you should attempt the piercing again.

If you are prone to such migration, though, your piercer may warn you off this type of piercing.

Will an Austin Bar Piercing Suit You?

At the end of the day, it is important to choose a piercing that you really like rather than just choosing a piercing that will suit you.

Nevertheless, you should be aware that the positioning of the Austin bar piercing can call attention to your nose. Thus, you should be confident about the shape and size of your nose.

Some people have also noted that it can make the tip of your nose look wider. As such, it may be a better option for someone with a more pointed tip.

How Can You Find a Piercer for an Austin Bar Piercing?

As this is a rather unusual piercing, it can be difficult to find someone with experience with it. However, always use a pierce who has a lot of skill with nose piercings and has performed similar procedures to the Austin bar piercing. At least find someone who has worked with nasallang piercings as there are similarities between the two.

What is an Austin Bar Piercing?

An Austin bar piercing is one that runs through the nasal cap and avoids both the septum and nasal cavities unlike other nasal piercings – this is a rather unusual piercing and it can be difficult to find piercers who know how to get it just right.

Potential Problems and Aftercare Tips for Austin Bar Piercing

Although Austin Bar piercing is a unique and visually distinctive type of nose piercing it does come with potential issues that you should be aware of.

One concern is the risk of infection which can be minimized by following proper aftercare procedures.

Cleaning the piercing with ProntoLind spray and applying ProntoLind gel during the first three weeks is recommended.

It is important to avoid disinfectant solutions with alcohol or chlorine as they can irritate the piercing.

Additionally be cautious of jewelry rejection or migration which may occur due to the unusual placement of the piercing.

If you notice any changes or discomfort consult with your piercer.

With the right jewelry choice and diligent aftercare you can enjoy your Austin Bar piercing as a bold and unique style statement.